


Töitä, töitä, töitä, töitä ja vähä reeniä!

Dark Side Of MeTiistai 30.06.2009 21:06

When darkness surrounds me,
I could let my shadows free,
But something inside me enjoys this.
There is gonna be eternal night,
But do also have to have eternal fight,
The dark sun lies above us.

This dark side of me,
won't let me get free,
I don't know how this is gonna end,
Because even God can't help

This thing inside me, is resisting me,
I try to reach light, but still I think is there anything left
I cannot hide, I think my family has died,
But I won't lose my hope.

This dark side of me,
won't let me get free,
I don't know how this is going to end,
Because even God can't help.


Kerto2x (tai vaan kerran)

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