


is evading all systems of control


- Vanhempi »

muiden ihmisten höpinääTiistai 16.09.2008 13:19

Madness, as you know, is like Gravity. All it takes is a little... Push
- The Joker

What doesn't kill you makes you stranger
- The Joker

Some people never go crazy. What truly horrible lives they must lead.
- Charles Bukowski

Less is more and none is everything
- Nicolas Winding Refn

Courage is the complement of fear. One who is fearless cannot be courageous, and is also a fool.
- Heinlein

It's amazing how much "mature wisdom" resembles being too tired.
- Heinlein

Specialization is for insects.
- Heinlein

One person's "magic" is another person's engineering.
- Heinlein

If you are one of the minority who can do creative work, never force an idea. Learn to wait.
- Heinlein

A "critic" is one who creates nothing and thereby feels qualified to judge the work of the creative.
- Heinlein

Duty is not what others expect of you; it is what you owe to yourself to fulfill obligations you assume voluntarily.
- Heinlein

Time is your total capital, and the minutes of your life are painfully few. So learn to say NO!
- Heinlein

Cyberspace: Representation of All Data of Every Node in the System.
- Gibson (Neuromancer)

You can't always get what you want, BUT if you try, you just might get what you need
- Glimmer Twins

Existence itself may be considered an abyss possessed of no meaning. I do not read this as a pessimistic statement. If it be true, then I can see in it nothing else but a declaration of autonomy for my imagination & will--& for the most beautiful act they can conceive with which to bestow meaning upon existence.
- Hakim Bey

Good has to be desired, it is the result of an act of willpower, while evil is continous.
-Antonin Artaud, Theatre and its Double

"One may say that evil does not exist for Subjective man at all, that there exist only different conceptions of good. Nobody ever does anything deliberately in the interests of evil, for the sake of evil. Everybody acts in the interests of good, as he understands it. But everybody understands it in a different way. Consequently men drown, slay, and kill one another in the interests of good".
- G.I. Gurdjieff

If a man is talking in the forest, and no woman is there to hear him, is he still wrong?
- Al Bundy

Love is the most difficult and dangerous form of courage.
Courage is the most desperate, admirable, and noble kind of love
- Delmore Schwarz

Imperious, choleric, irascible, extreme in everything, with a dissolute imagination the like of which has never been seen, atheistic to the point of fanaticism, there you have me in a nutshell.... Kill me again or take me as I am, for I shall not change.
- Marquis de Sade, Last Will and Testament

"In a closed society where everybody's guilty, the only crime is getting caught. In a world of thieves, the only final sin is stupidity"
- Hunter S. Thompson

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