




« Uudempi -

FamousTorstai 12.11.2009 09:11

Since it means so much to you.

Hollywood hills
pocketful of shells
Sunset dragging
I haven't even slept for days
on end something's gotta give
might as well live it up
until fat lady sings!!

You want it
you got it
It's everything you dreamed of

I just wanna be famous
be so fucking jaded
'cause all the Playboy Bunnies take my money from me
Show up at Oscars
Look up Dennis Hopper
The money is for nothing
and the chicks are for free
yeah I wanna be

You can sleep all day
and still get paid
when the sun goes down
we'll do it all over again
Cause when you're on a roll
they gotta let you go
right through the back door
let the games begin

You want it
you got it
It's everything you dreamed of

I just wanna be famous
be so fucking jaded
Cause everybody's taking my money from me
Show up at Oscars
Look up Dennis Hopper
The money is for nothing
and the chicks are for free
yeah I wanna be

I hope that itÂ’s everything
That you dream about
Be careful what you wish for
I hope that itÂ’s everything
that you dream
When everythingÂ’s falling apart at the seams
And I know that you never believed in me
Don’t ever let ‘em fuck with your dreams

Since it means so much to you

I just want to be famous
'cause fame is contagious
Now all the Playboy Bunnies want my money from me
Show up at the Grammies
So loaded they ban me
The money is for nothing
and the chicks are for free
Yeah I wanna be

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