


Motherfucking Princess

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~R.I.P Baby~Keskiviikko 20.01.2010 22:50

R.I.P Vauva-lintu "Baby" <3 20.1.2010 <3

Lepää rauhassa, rakas pieni vaavi-kulta <3 Liian lyhyeksi jäi siun elämä <3

~Golden Memories~

They say memories are golden, well, maybe that is true.
I never wanted memories, I only wanted you.
A million times I cried.
If love alone could have saved you, you never would have died.
In life I loved you dearly, in death I love you still.
In my heart you hold a place no one else could fill.
If tears could build a stairway and heartache make a lane.
I'd walk the path to Heaven and bring you back again.
Our family chain is broken, and nothing seems the same.
But as God calls us back one by one, the chain will link again.
Author Unknown

~Fragile Circle~

"We who choose to surround ourselves with lives even more temporary than our own, live within a fragile circle, easily and often breached.

Unable to accept its awful gaps, we still would live no other way.
We cherish memory as the only certain immortality,
never fully understanding the necessary plan."

Written by; Irving Townsend.

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