


pierces the heavens!

Jatkoa moral philosophyyn.Maanantai 21.01.2008 12:02

Anyhow, i feel you missunderstood the part where i said means above ends, i was not talking about intentions... Intentions are the intended results of your actions, not the actions themselves, actions themselves were what I meant. That little rule does have it's exceptions ofcourse, for instance with your hitting example hitting someone as an action is wrong, but if the consequence of that is that someone is saved then it is the correct thing to do, when it comes to violence it usually is simply consequence vs consequence when you choose what to do. Though this can be put in the means category as "Save the girl" or "Ignore it and let the guy proceed" aswell.

On the Hitler example i would like to just say that he was a madman and no ordinary philosophical thinking on a "normal person" level is going to end it, but i guess that would be naive to say. Anyhow, i've always felt that murder of a human being is one of the absolute "do not do" rules, taught pretty much the second you learn of death, and also most likely exists in our nature. So what i am saying is that Hitler was mostly driven by lust. Patriotism, usually viewed as a good thing, when taken to extremes will make you think your own country/race is superior to others, he was most definately not driven by good intentions as his patriotism completely ignores what he was most likely taught as a young child.

I'd also like to point out even though i believe morals are implemented through education, that some part of it is in our nature, for example the one i mentioned before; Preservation of human life. Highly optimistic view that one, but most murderers do actually feel sorry for what they did, and could be considered victims of their upbringing and circumstances. Murderers who do not feel any remorse are driven by lust, and they are non-moral beings that i don't really even consider human.

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