
Just chilling with flu.Keskiviikko 05.09.2012 20:13

Yes, i know i've been a bitch to many people. Yes, i know that i ain't perfect. Yes, i know that me only being around is a pain to some peoples. I know that there are those who hate me and feels that they need to watch me all the time. But hey, there's no need to.

About six months ago i just.. stopped being a bitch. I got rid my past self and started to somehow understand that i can't continue like this.
Yes, i had a hell of a great time back then and sometimes i miss it.
But i hope you, who are my friends, can understand that i still want to be in touch with you. But we can see each other sober, right? It ain't so hard or is it? Yeah, i know that i don't have energy to go out at weeks and rarely i have time to even see you. And weekends i'm working. But it's only this month anymore so.. Try to deal with it :)

But the main thing i wanted to say with this meaningless crap;
Love me like i am or don't love me at all. We have a deal, right?

Got carried away, sry about that.

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