


Rough-legged buzzard

Let your body decide ~The Ark~Sunnuntai 06.07.2008 18:48

come to me so easily
they make me forget what I mean
it seems so very unsound
that I don´t want them around

-Let your body decide where you want to go...
Let your body decide where you want to go, high or low, fast or slow
Let your body decide where you want to go, high or low, fast or slow
Let your body decide where you want to go, high or low, fast or slow-
I don´t know if I´m ready, but everything must be unsteady on the first go-round

-Is it right to feel this way?
-Will I be happy one day?
-Is my posture OK?
-Am I straight or gay?

-Let your body decide where you want to go...
Let your body decide where you want to go, high or low, fast or slow
Let your body decide where you want to go, high or low, fast or slow
Let your body decide where you want to go, high or low, fast or slow-
I don´t know if I´m ready, but everything must be unsteady on the first go-round...

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