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JAMES FROM TEAM ROCKET?Tiistai 07.09.2010 00:06

Patrik: You guys know Jame?


Chris: What?

Me: Patrik is asking if you know james from team rocket

Chris: What rocket? XD I know one james

Me: Does he have purple hair?

Chris: I dont know even when i live close to him XD


Patrik: why am i in here?

Me: i dunno, why am i in here?

Chris: so we can spam u

Me: was we all invited by james from team rocket?

Malene: lmfao

Patrik: james?

Me: yeah...

Chris: Nore im going to shove that rocket up your

Patrik: the priest? :O

Chris: i mean stop it ! xD

Me: Yeah if he has purple hair :O

Patrik: and pink ass

Me: and has snake pet

Me: XD

Malene: Snake pet rofl

Malene: ...sorry


Patrik: Btw james is malenes sister?

Me: james from team rocket

Patrik: some new guild? :o

Me: its not so new :o


Patrik: We have best snipers here

Patrik: :O we can shoot you from here

Chris: best snipers? the best recorded sniper shot is american lol

Patrik: yea those dudes with rifles


Chris: i know ....

Patrik: xD

Chris: its what i might be when im older

Me: a penguin?

Chris: sniper

Me: oh :o


Jame: why are english so slow.. they are really slow, almost like retarted or something

Me: because they are thinking that youre james from team rocket

Patrik: arent you from england?

Jame: no i am not

Patrik: oh oooook :o

Jame: u ask 3 things they answer 1

Me: where ya from then? :o

Jame: team rocket

Jame: duh

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