
the story about a Boy and -A- girl Perjantai 18.08.2006 18:46

Boy: I saw her 2day

girl: I saw him 2 day

Boy: it seems like its been forever

girl: I wonder if he still cares

Boy: she looks better than before

girl:I couldn´t stop staring at him

Boy:I asked how things were going

girl: I asked about he´s new girlfriend

Boy: I pick her over any girl i´m whit

girl: he´s probably really happy now

Boy: I can´t even look at her whitout crying

girl: he couldn´t even look at me

Boy:I told her that i miss her

girl: he didn´t mean it

Boy: I mean it

girl:he dosen´t mean it

Boy: i love her

girl: he loves his new girlfrien

Boy:i held her for the last time

girl:he gave me a friendly hug

Boy: then i went home and cried

girl: then i went home and cried

Boy: I lost her

girl: I love him

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