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« Uudempi - Vanhempi »

[Ei aihetta]Tiistai 21.03.2006 00:28

- Name: Nikaoly Ciriaco
- Birth date: 12 de septiembre
- Current Location: Finland
- Eye Color: brown
- Hair Colour: Brown
- Height: I dont know... Maybe 5¨4
- Right handed or Left handed: Right

- Heritage: dominican
- Weakness: Ivar :D
- Biggest fear: Loneliness
- Your perfect pizza: Grand cheese
- Goal: Be happy!

FACT 3: Your?
- Most overused phrase: voi prkl!
- Thoughts first waking up: just 5 minutes more :D
- Best physical feature: mmm... I love my breast ;)
- Usual bedtime: Whenever I get tired, but lately at 12:00
- Most missed memory: my life before I came here :/

FACT 4: Preferences..?
- Pepsi or Coke: CoKe!
- McDonald's or Burger King: Burger King!
- Lipton Iced Tea or Nestle tea: Nestle
- Chocolate or vanilla: CHOCOLATE!!
- Cappuccino or Latte: Cappuccino

FACT 5: Do you?
- Smoke: nop!
- Drink: lol!
- Sing: I like it!
- Want to get married: Of course!
- Believe in yourself: Yeah!
- Get motion sickness: Nop
- Think you're attractive: Always!
- Think you're a health freak: No
- Get along with your parents: just with my stepmom
- Like thunderstorms: Yes
- Play an instrument: Nop

FACT 6: In the past month, you?
- Drank alcohol: yes :D
- Gone on a date: hihihi Yes!
- Gone to the mall: totta kail
- Eaten sushi: Nop
- Been on stage: Nop
- Gone skating: yes

- Age you hope to be married: 25/ 28
- Numbers and Names of Childrens:
1) Alex Manuel
2)Sarah Anabelle
3)Mia Lissette
4)Axel Gabriel
5)Daniela Marie

- Describe your Dream Wedding: mmm I dont know yet! Things change so maybe I don t like in the future the things that I like now!

FACT 8: List the number of:
- People you trust : Im so stupid I trust in everyone :/
- Piercings: Zero
- Tattoos: lol
- Scars on my body: none
- Things in the past I want to forget: Nothing!

FACT 9: What..?
- Music are you listening to now: Different Kind of Pain - COld
- Time is it now: 22:28 pm
- Your phone model: i don t remember
- Things & ppl you treasure the most: God, My family and my friends!

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