


Lääkitykseni pukee Minut.

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Hear, hear, Broken HeartMaanantai 09.11.2009 21:11

Broken hearts, Part A and Part B
are having a conversation with a cup of tea.
"She does love him but does he care?"
His heart is only ready to swear
"Oh, I know a dirty word.
Oh, I KNOW a dirty word.
Should I whisper or say it out loud?
Should I scream it to the crowd?"

All the broken hearts come here together
"Oh my fucking god, how I hate her"
Join hands and sing the song with me
"She is as filthy as a slut can be!
A slut, a whore, a fucking nobody
Feeling good, so good, with a fuck buddy
Helds his heart like he used to do with mine.
Watch out poor boy - she sure is an STD gold mine."

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