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CINEMA BIZARRE - Other PeopleKeskiviikko 25.06.2008 18:34

World on the Street
I'm driving alone
and they called my Name
Have all that he takes so catch my Flow
If every Day's the same
I´m givin' my Love like Vertigo
When you need a Change
I figured you out so long ago
And now the Cracks are showing
Moving closer to you

And we can do Anything
Cause it's so so Figures
Than we should be far far away
From the other People
And we can so fool their Lies
Cause it's so so Figures
Than we should be long long away
From the other People

So don't hang around
It starts Today
You don't need a thing
Just bring on Yourself and hit that Wave
It's like Angels sing
Don't shut your Mouth that's what I say
and We won't let go
I figured You out so long ago
And now the Cracks are showing
I'm closer to you

And we can do Anything
Cause it's so so Figures
Than we should be far far away
From the other People
And we can so fool their Lies
Cause it's so so Figures
Than we should be long long away
From the other People

The other People
The other People

Oon ihan koukus tähä biisii *w* <33
Miks tähän ei oo tehty PVtä! Ois jotai *hrhrhrhr* nähä ku joku Swifty ajaa jotai autoo pitkin teitä ja heruttaa ja laulaa samal ja ne muut duunaa samal jotai ja oioioioioioi~

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