


is a machine with conscience. <3

[Ei aihetta]Perjantai 03.04.2009 19:34

Stranger: where are you now?
You: I'm @ north pole
You: What about you?
Stranger: south pole
Stranger: FUCK
You: Shit
You: You got a shovel?
Stranger: i got big dick!
You: Well I guess you can't shovel with it...
You: So do you have a shovel?
Stranger: no :(
Stranger: send it to me
You: How the fuck I'm supposed to send it to you?
Stranger: post bird
You: I'm at the other side of the fucking world
You: Here is just polar bears, no birds
Stranger: send me a ear
Stranger: bear
You: Ok the bear is on its way, with a shovel
You: Now you just need to wait
Stranger: ok i will
Stranger: cheers
You: No problem
Stranger: how long?
You: Not long, it should arrive any minute now
You: Got it?
Stranger: not
Stranger: send another bear?
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

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