


go to suck george bush dick!

I`m sure we`ll meet again. R.I.P. Kalle.Maanantai 11.02.2008 16:40

I'm waiting for my visit
They'll fill this room with fowers at all
They'll put on their biggest smile
But only for a while
If only I could help it
If only mercy'd be on my side
I wouldn't have to die
And my family wouldn't cry
But the pain is getting far too strong
And the medicines won't hold it for long
It's getting closer
So I'm waiting for someone to come
To come and take my soul where it belongs
But noone's coming,no one

I try to find the answer
I try to find the reason why I
I'm leaving them all behind
But there's something I will find
The blood's still running through my heart
But my hairs are slowly falling apart
And I just can't take it
So I'm waiting for someone to come
To come and take my soul where it belongs
But noone's coming,no one

I see it in their faces
They know I will be leaving tonight
But somewhere down the line
I'm sure we'll meet again
Somewhere down the line

I'm sure we'll meet again

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