
[Ei aihetta]Perjantai 05.06.2009 01:31

Can You Believe This Shit People?
All You Stupid Fucking People
With Your Useless Fucking Lives
And Your Bullshit Priorities
And Your Sick Fucking Wars
And Your Pathetic Religion
And Your Shit Music
And Your Sick Fucking Hate
Bullshit, Sitcom, North American Ignorance
A New Time Is Coming
And We Know You'll Awake In There

IhqqqqqqqqqTorstai 28.05.2009 00:55

[Ei aihetta]Sunnuntai 17.05.2009 02:35

"Identifying the bodies which are decomposed, dismembered, skeletonised pose
very serious problems. We've had many cases in this department where a body
has been found in pieces, or decomposed, and we've been able to put things
together. Yes, the head, the upper part of the body, in a very badly
decomposed state..."

Wake up and smell the... CARCASS

:'(Torstai 14.05.2009 21:47

Tänään olen kakullinenTorstai 14.05.2009 19:28

[Ei aihetta]Perjantai 01.05.2009 02:29

The truth in right and wrong
The boundaries of the law
You seem to miss the point
Arresting for a joint?
You seem to wonder why
Hundreds of people die
You're writing tickets man
My mom got jumped -- they ran!
Now I'll play a public servant
To serve and protect
By the law and the state
I'd bust the punks
That rape steal and murder
And leave you be
If you crossed me
I'd shake your hand like a man
Not a god

Ku niillä oli vielä asennettaTorstai 23.04.2009 19:05

jag wanna harLauantai 18.04.2009 14:36

Oisivat ottaneet miut tuohon kanteenLauantai 18.04.2009 02:23

No fucking surrender
Can't lose
Life kills