


The Pathetic Warrior :D


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NamelessKeskiviikko 02.02.2011 22:26

You are my dear friend
And you'll be it until the end
Nothing can make me lose my you
There's so many things I'd like to say
So many things I'd like to share
Thank you for being part of my day
Your kind of human is so uncommonly rare

Chorus Friends like you will be there whenl you grow old
No matter if you're greyhaired or bald
I can say I like you much
I like you as such

Although I haven't known you for so long
It feels like I've done you
I can put my trust in you
Knowing you won't betray me
Friends like you are much worth to me
More than gold

Friends like you will be there when you grow old
No matter if you're greyhaired or bald
I can say I like you much
I like you as such

Friends are meant to be there when you need
And I trust you'll be
When you're down, friends will get you up
If needed, they'll kick your butt
Friends are what I need

Friends like you will be there when you grow old
No matter if you're greyhaired or bald
I can say I like you much
I like you as such

A song for a(my) broken heartSunnuntai 31.10.2010 18:33

Will I ever found peace
Or will my heart forever be a refugee
'Cause I loved you so
That's why this hurts a lot

I want to leave this all behind
But not without you by my side
Tears are rolling down my chin
You were the one
And I wanted to be with you for all time

Sometimes something you do
Will make you pay
In tears and cold fear
Sometimes something you do
Can't ever be forgiven
Either by you or the one you hurt
But I love you so
Missing you

If I could undo something I've done
This mistake would be the one
The one thing I wanna change
Because now my life ain't the same
I can feel your anger and hate

I wanna go on
But how can I do it alone
When you don't wanna talk to me anymore
If you'd ever understand my pain
I guess you just can feel your own bitterness
And I understand, as I turned happiness into sadness
I'm so sorry for everything

Sometimes something you do
Will make you pay
In tears and cold fear
Sometimes something you do
Can't ever be forgiven
Either by you or the one you hurt
But I love you so
Missing you

Roses can be sharp
And I got cut by a thorn
Tearing down the walls
I can't stand the heartache I've caused
To both me and you

Sometimes something you do
Will make you pay
In tears and cold fear
Sometimes something you do
Can't ever be forgiven
Either by you or the one you hurt
But I love you so
Missing you

Sometimes something you do
Will make you pay
In tears and cold fear
Sometimes something you do
Can't ever be forgiven
Either by you or the one you hurt
But I love you so
Missing you

I love you, A.L..
Miehet ovat sikoja. Niin kuuluu väite En tiedä muista, mutta mä olin pariin otteeseen varsinainen Putte Possu; tein virheen joka loukkasi jonku toisen tunteita niin pahasti et vaik siit on vuosia niin et ole antanut anteeksi. Ymmärrän sitä kyllä hyvin, mutta tuska aiheuttaa mulle epätoivoisuutta että yritän saada anteeks vaikka tiedän etten saa. Enkä halua sun elämää pilata. Pilasin omani osittain, pelkästään tyhmyydesä. Ei maailma siihen kaadu, mutta siltä tuntuu välillä. Kaipaan sua. Sille en voi mitään. En usko antavani itselleni sitä anteeks joten en oleta et säkään antaisit anteeks. Voispa niitä asioita pyyhkii menneistä, sun kanssa halusin olla aina. Pitänee ens kerran ostaa aivot etten tee mitää vastaavaa enää ikinä.

Seuraava osio on kirjoitettu vain sulle;

Olen pahoillani. Rakastin sua, sä ehkä mua. Ja loukkasin sua niin pahasti etten voi ees kuvitella milt sust on tuntunu. En kuulu enää sun elämään mitenkään, parempi niin sillä elämäsi sujuu luultavasti paremmin ilman mua. Jään kaipaamaan sun luonnettasi, sun ulkonäköö ja kaikkee suhun liittyvää, jopa Nummi-Pusulaa. Menetin sen naisen kenen kaa halusin kuolemankin jälkeen olla. Hyvästi.
Sometimes I can feel it
Sometimes I'm sure it's there
A killer in the dark, chasing me
When I turn around, I can't see anyone
Am I blind or paranoid, we'll see

Who the hell are you
Are you the Green Goblin from Spiderman
Who are you
I'm going paranoid again

Something in the darkness
Makes me feel
Like everyone would like to kill me
They want to, I can guarantee
Sometimes I roar with laughter
Sometimes I feel really creepy
What's going on inside my head, paranoia once again appears

People always laugh at me
Or so does it feel
Everytime I'm walking near
Should I fear?
God no!

I'm going insane
But I like it very much
Sanity is not for me
I can tell thee

Who the hell are you?
Are you the Green Goblin from Spiderman?
Who are you?
I'm going paranoid again

Something in the darkness
Makes me feel
Like everyone would like to kill me
They want to, I can guarantee
Sometimes I roar with laughter
Sometimes I feel really creepy
What's going on inside my head, paranoia once again appears

Jack The Ripper chases me
Or so can I sometimes feel
But I know it's not real
I'm no Happy Meal
I'm Hell On Wheels

Something in the darkness
Makes me feel
Like everyone would like to kill me
They want to, I can guarantee
Sometimes I roar with laughter
Sometimes I feel really creepy
What's going on inside my head, paranoia once again appears

Sanity Is Gone(27.7.1988-30.10.2010)Lauantai 30.10.2010 23:31

I don't know where it went
But my sanity did go down
I fucked up my mind
And screamed of insanity
Sanity, sanity, why did you leave me?

Things can change, things won't change
Sanity can never come back, I won't let it happen
Fuck you, piss off, I hate life sometimes

*Will you ever leave me alone`
Or are you too fucked up to see
That I ain't my normal me

Sanity is gone
Gone forever
I won't miss my sanity no more
So let me be
Sanity is gone
Gone and not coming back
I'm too fucked up to want it back

Why does the world want to be sane?
Doesn't everybody in the end turn insane?
From all the mental pain?
Tell me fuckers, why do you wanna be normal
Myself, I love paranoia
And everything else that's poisoning my mind

Doctors, tell me I'm not sane
'Cause I don't wanna be
If the world is fucked up, I wanna be more fucked up
So fuck you and give me my medicine

*Will you ever leave me alone`
Or are you too fucked up to see
That I ain't my normal me

Sanity is gone
Gone forever
I won't miss my sanity no more
So let me be
Sanity is gone
Gone and not coming back
I'm too fucked up to want it back

Oh daddy's got a gun
Ain't that so fucking fun?
You'll never again see the sun
So come on

* Will you ever leave me alone
Or are you too fucked up to see
That I ain't my normal me

Sanity is gone
Gone forever
I won't miss my sanity no more
So let me be
Sanity is gone
Gone and not coming back
I'm too fucked up to want it back

Avoin kirje Nanna Schalinille(1984-2010)Lauantai 30.10.2010 21:02

En osaa oikein selittää sanoin. Ei tuska ole enää niin suuri, että olisin kävelevä itsemurhaehdokas. Mutta ajoittain arpi sielussani tuntuu. Tiedän, Nannan elämä oli vaikea, ja hänen tuska sai päätöksensä helmikuussa 2010. Ei se tieto silti tarkoita, etteikö surevan tuska voisi olla järkyttävän kauhea. Joskus tekisi mieli liittyä Nannan seuraan, mutta ei; jos haluan kunnioittaa Nannan muistoa en voi luovuttaa. Hänkään ei luovuttanut. Olemme sotureita. Olen hänelle sen velvollinen. Kauheinta on muistot hautajaisista; luulin sen olevan askel asian hyväksymistä kohtaan käydä paikalla, mutta surevien tuska sekä kylmä totuus, ettei Nanna sieltä palaa, löi päin naamaa; olin shokissa. Mutta tässä olen, ja tässä tulen olemaan kunnes joku korkeampi tahto päättää että aikani on tullut. Kiitos Nanna! Olit hieno ihminen ja annat mulle edelleen voimia vaikka et olekaan täällä. Muistoasi kunnioittaen, Pontus.

"Meren rantaan käveltiin, kerroit lähteväsi pois
Mä hiljaa itkin, pelkäsin, en irti päästää voinut ois
Kerroit uskovasi unelmaan, joka sinisenä soi
Se uni meidät yhdistää, sen syliin nukahtaaki vois
Lintu nousee siivilleen
Se lentää suoraan siniseen
Valot auringon
Sen laulu katoaa"

"Niin, sinä ompelet sulan kerrallaan
Pieniin siipiin, että lentäisit taas
Ja niin, annat kivun sun surun puuduttaa
Vaikka arvet se jättää
Sun mentävä on"

The Fallen Hero Of MineSunnuntai 17.10.2010 21:47

You were there for me
And a hero for me
You were my friend and grandpa
I will always love ya

The reason I'm what I am
Is because of you
The greatest of men
I'll light a candle for you

I can't save the fallen
But I can save the memories
If I think of you
I'll think of your heart
You were with me, right from the start

Some say sorrow never leaves
Somehow I disagree
Although you're not here with me
You never leave me alone

I'm glad I got to know you
One of the most important people to me
You've been long gone
But you're inside of my heart

Everytime I got into trouble
You were there to cheer me up
Thanks for making me feel better
Than deep inside my heart I felt

I can't save the fallen
But I can save the memories
If I think of you
I'll think of your heart
You were with me, right from the start

Eternal love
I'll give to my grandpa
Living in the heaven above
I'll always love ya
You give me strength
When I'm about to fall
Thank you for all support

I can't save the fallen
But I can save the memories
If I think of you
I'll think of your heart
You were with me, right from the start

[Ei aihetta]Lauantai 02.10.2010 18:09

My name is Pontus
I drink beer and eat donuts
I have no fear to drink more beer
Also wine is fine
Give me money
And I'll buy myself a new honey
A whore
But still I want more
So what if I'm attracted to drugs
Shit attracts bugs
This is hardcore
Your ears will be sore
But my time is short
Still I have to write a little more
I'm a bummer
But also an ultimate Gunner
Louder than the loudest drummer
Also a homecomer
I don't know what I write
Because I didn't sleep at night
And I have to admit
I also suffer from stagefright
It's just shit
This song kicks butt
Like my beloved donut
My my hey hey
Today's my lucky day
I got a girl
Who spins and twirl
I love this song
Though it is so long
But don't get me wrong
I've been writing it alone
What more?
Oh I forgot to buy me a whore
Also I forgot
To eat my donut
Shit I'm in pain
There's just emptiness in my brain!
Holy crap
I just can't rap
But I'm trying
Give me dope and I'll be flying
Through my rimes
Like LeAnn Rimes
And I'll end up in The Times
Oh fuck
This song sucks
More than Linda Lovelace
But I'm speeding with pace
Like I'm gonna win the race
And it doesn't ever end
I can't pretend
That I don't miss the money I've spend
On wine
Hey? Just gimme a break and it'll be fine
But sorry I have to quit
Time's up
I leave this shit
I've been sitting too long on a sore butt
Thanks for listening..NOT!!!!

0202010Lauantai 02.10.2010 16:25

It ain't so easy
To release me
From this ache
This sorrow, this pain

It's been a while
I'm lost in time
But I'm STILL writing about it
I wanna feel free

You're up there in the sky
And your legacy will never die
It's hard to let you go
I'm loving you so

You're now free like a dove
Sitting there with the Lord above
It's hard to visit your grave
I'm not yet that brave

I'm searching for consolation
But all I get is condemnation
And my heart is failing
My soul is sailing
To better seas
I don't wanna be here
It's all done
My time is gone
I wish you were here
Somewhere near
But I need to let go..

Stars Can't DieLauantai 02.10.2010 16:07

Wherever you may go
I'm still missing you so
Without you my smile ain't what it used to be
I'm missing your smile

Without you it's like walking in rain
No consolation, just pain
But you gave me something I'm glad for
And I appreciate all you did and said
I still love you

Stars can't die
And you can't fade away from my heart
You'll never die, you're still in my memories
Thank you for all the few days we had
Even though our friendship were short
Thinking of it makes me glad

You made me strong
But your death was so wrong
Why didn't you get a new chance?
To live free from pain
To live your life again
Sometimes we just can't know
I'm giving you eternal love

That day caused me pain
But I'm laughing again
I'm living for you
I'm still loving you
Even though you're far away
You're in my heart to stay

I'm smiling when I look to the stars
Stars can never die
So you won't ever die....
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