


On tottunut saamaan kaiken. Roosa=yäk

<3KRTiistai 10.06.2008 17:55

A real-life lolita lifestyle is one in which a girl earns money and saves it up so that she can buy nice clothes. She enjoys shopping, adores fashion, and admires independent expression. She is friends with other Lolitas and Aristocrats, and spends time with them doing things they all enjoy.

She might sew. She might collect dolls. She might like tea and sweets. She might value politeness. These are all things that many girls who like lolita also have in common.

A lolita who does wear her pretty clothes every day does so not because she “wants to be a lolita,” for this implies she is not already one at her core, but because she loves them that much, or because she finds normal clothes unappealing and uncomfortable.

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