


could kiss that smile off your face, just say when.
"I can see the stars of the future in front of our eyes and I don't feel the pain no more
It's easy to believe in tomorrow when you're here with me and all we got is the feeling so pure

I can see the stars of the future in front of our eyes and I don't feel the pain no more
It's easy to believe in tomorrow when you're here with me and all we got is the feeling so pure

I just don't believe
in everything I see
I don't believe all the pictures on the TV screen
But I have a dream
I got this beautiful dream
So come and take my hand girl and you will see

I can see the stars of the future in front of our eyes and I don't feel the pain no more
It's easy to believe in tomorrow when you're here with me and all we got is the feeling so pure

I can see the stars of the future in front of our eyes and I don't feel the pain no more
It's easy to believe in tomorrow when you're here with me and all we got is the feeling so pure

Now I want to believe that this is more than a dream
This is more than a picture on a TV screen

I can see the stars of the future in front of our eyes and I don't feel the pain no more
It's easy to believe in tomorrow when you're here with me and all we got is the feeling so pure

I can see the stars of the future in front of our eyes and I don't feel the pain no more
It's easy to believe in tomorrow when you're here with me and all we got is the feeling so pure"

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