


All you ever did was wreck me

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Luke<3Maanantai 03.08.2009 21:20

[17:28] Sanna: LUKE
[17:56] Sanna: Lukebaby
[17:57] Luke: lol hey
[17:59] Sanna: ONLY Lukeybaby
[17:59] Luke: o_O
[17:59] Luke: I'm err... good
[17:59] Luke: you?
[17:59] Sanna: I'm faaaantastic^^
[18:00] Luke: good good
[18:00] Sanna: HI<3
[18:01] Luke: haaiii >:3
[18:02] Sanna: WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!
[18:03] Luke: not much, you??
[18:03] Luke: ..what? ._.
[18:03] Sanna: YOU ARE
[18:04] Luke: what am I doing? xD
[18:04] Meebo Viesti: Viestin lähetys kaverille ei onnistunut
[18:04] Sanna:'re... you're touching yourself...
[18:04] Luke: ...yes?
[18:04] Sanna: I CAN SEE YOU
[18:04] Meebo Viesti: Viestin lähetys kaverille ei onnistunut
[18:04] Luke: "looks out of window"
[18:05] Luke: are you that old guy staring at me? o_o
[18:05] Luke: EW
[18:05] Sanna: AND BEING WATCHED D:
[18:05] Luke: by you <.<
[18:05] Luke: "throws water at you" shoo!! D8
[18:05] Sanna: But that's cuz you're such a turn-on D:
[18:05] Sanna: *is wet*
[18:05] Sanna: mmm<3
[18:05] Luke: LOL!!
[18:06] Luke: you're weird xDDD
[18:06] Sanna: Brilliant observation D:
[18:06] Sanna: I also have to break up with you ;___;
[18:06] Luke: xDD
[18:07] Sanna: I'm sorry. But I love Ida. D: So we can't be together
[18:07] Luke: that's fine I got no problem with that o_O
[18:07] Luke: "gives you to Ida"
[18:07] Sanna: No. Shh. Don't cry.
[18:07] Sanna: I still love you too
[18:07] Sanna: But this is where my heart leads me.
[18:07] Luke: "is already gone"
[18:07] Sanna: But don't worry.
[18:07] Sanna: Now you can be happy with Yuribaby
[18:07] Meebo Viesti: Viestin lähetys kaverille ei onnistunut
[18:08] Meebo Viesti: Viestin lähetys kaverille ei onnistunut
[18:08] Luke: -I wont
[18:08] Luke: at all
[18:08] Luke: ?!?!??!?!?!?!
[18:08] Luke:
[18:08] Luke: please no.
[18:08] Sanna: He'll make you happy
[18:08] Sanna: He knows all the rigth moves
[18:08] Luke: shut up xDD
[18:08] Luke: EW! xDDDD!!!
[18:08] Luke: that's nasty
[18:09] Sanna: And if you two get bored with each other. We can double date and have a foursome
[18:09] Luke: that's not gonna happen ._.
[18:10] Sanna: Yeah, it's hard to think you'd get bored with Yuribaby. But JUST IN CASE, we'll be here
[18:10] Sanna: To support your love.
[18:10] Luke: silence!! D8
[18:10] Luke: ewww..
[18:10] Luke: just
[18:10] Luke: ew,
[18:11] Sanna: Aww, don't be shy.
[18:11] Sanna: It's perfectly normal
[18:11] Luke: god shut up! xDDD
[18:11] Meebo Viesti: Viestin lähetys kaverille ei onnistunut
[18:12] Sanna: Lukey, there is nothing to be ashamed of!! You and Yuribaby are so cute together
[18:12] Luke: ....Wtf!
[18:12] Luke: no
[18:12] Sanna: Yesyesyes
[18:12] Luke: no way in hell D8
[18:12] Luke: Noooooo!
[18:12] Sanna: He's the only one who can help you with getting over me
[18:13] Sanna: And that is a hard journey
[18:13] Sanna: Because of my awesomeness
[18:13] Luke: I never even had a thing for you... ._.
[18:13] Luke: NOTHING TO GET OVER!! D8
[18:13] Sanna: But you'll get over me! Don't worry!
[18:13] Meebo Viesti: Viestin lähetys kaverille ei onnistunut
[18:13] Sanna: You can't die of a broken heart!
[18:13] Sanna: And Yuribaby will be there! To penetrate your... sadness.
[18:13] Luke: I'll die alone, thanks anyway o_O
[18:14] Luke: you bitch DX
[18:14] Sanna: Yes, yes, I understand, hating me is a way to get over me faster
[18:14] Sanna: And I accept that
[18:14] Luke: ok
[18:14] Luke: I really hate you ._.
[18:14] Luke: really do.
[18:14] Luke: "is totally over you"
[18:14] Sanna: But I hope we can be friends once you've gotten over me
[18:15] Luke: I think it's better if we avoid each other in future
[18:15] Luke: hope you understand.
[18:15] Sanna: You're a strong, confident woman. And you do not need me. So don't cry.
[18:15] Luke: LOL!!!
[18:15] Sanna: *pets cheek* Please don't cry
[18:15] Sanna: I... I really am sorry
[18:15] Luke: yeah ok
[18:16] Sanna: One more hug?
[18:16] Luke: no
[18:16] Sanna: One more kiss?
[18:16] Luke: no
[18:17] Sanna: One more night together?
[18:17] Luke: no
[18:18] Sanna: Yes, understandable, it will wake too many memories... And it'll only hurt more...
[18:18] Sanna: *hugkissrape* Goodbye <3
[18:18] Luke: yup so
[18:18] Luke: Bye Bye!

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