
[Ei aihetta]Sunnuntai 11.11.2007 03:12

What a strange feeling!

I was thinking... 4 months ago I was in Finland.
Ok, so sometimes I think: Gosh, it seems like if it was yesterday that I was on that plane..
But at the same time I think that it's like too much time has already passed. :O
It seems sooo old to me. :O

Anywayyy, I'm listening to a song by Greenday "Working class hero"
And a great memory came to my mind. xD I heard this song for the first time one day when Juuso's brother was driving us somewhere around in Kemi so now I immediately associate this song to Jaakko. O.o Whahaha.

Ok, after these wild thoughts, I can go to bed.

Good night to you all... always if there is someone who reads what I wrote. xD Or vaffanculo a tutti XD

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