
B u o n N a t a l e ! ! ! ! ! Maanantai 24.12.2007 16:40

Dear friends,

It's finally Christmas !

Well actually italians celebrate it tomorrow, opening presents in the morning and spending the day with the family.

& H A P P Y N E W Y E A R

I love you all! <3


Holidays!Lauantai 22.12.2007 00:53


Today was last day at school and I couldn't finish it in a better way. -.-
I think I've never done such an awful technical design test. Oh shit.
But who cares in this moment. :D

No school for 2 weeks though I've much to study. :/
January has always been like hell because in the end of the month we get our reports and this year it won't be so good, but... oh, there are more important things and I've done what I could!
Let's see what will happen in the second part of the school period.

Sooooo... Christmas holidays mean also that we're at the middle of the school year and it's such a great thing :D <3

Let's hope to spend a nice Christmas despite the situation in the family and that the new year will bring many news and good things. xD
I don't believe in astrology, but from what I've read, 2008 will be such a positive year for Virgo. Yayyyyyyyyy ! <3

Ok, should I already wish you a Merry Christmas and all these stuff?
No, there's time :D

Ciao ciao :)))

[Ei aihetta]Torstai 29.11.2007 22:13

Lalalalalalala, j'ai oubliè ma tête à Paris ! <3

[Ei aihetta]Tiistai 27.11.2007 20:43

Une semaine à Paris :

Inoubliable. <3

Je vous aime tous. *_*

[Ei aihetta]Perjantai 16.11.2007 21:09


Sto arrivandooooo *_* Che bello!!! Son contenta, per una volta!

[Ei aihetta]Keskiviikko 14.11.2007 20:28


Even better than the real Rihanna!!!!! xDDDD

[Ei aihetta]Sunnuntai 11.11.2007 03:12

What a strange feeling!

I was thinking... 4 months ago I was in Finland.
Ok, so sometimes I think: Gosh, it seems like if it was yesterday that I was on that plane..
But at the same time I think that it's like too much time has already passed. :O
It seems sooo old to me. :O

Anywayyy, I'm listening to a song by Greenday "Working class hero"
And a great memory came to my mind. xD I heard this song for the first time one day when Juuso's brother was driving us somewhere around in Kemi so now I immediately associate this song to Jaakko. O.o Whahaha.

Ok, after these wild thoughts, I can go to bed.

Good night to you all... always if there is someone who reads what I wrote. xD Or vaffanculo a tutti XD

What is happening ?Sunnuntai 04.11.2007 03:06

Umh, brutta sensazione sta sera...
Mi sento veramente strana..
Nostalgia, malinconia... boh.. :(

Something never seen before!Torstai 01.11.2007 20:47

Yesterday afternoon must be remembered. :D

Our italian teacher, who is like a mum for all of us, brought us some.... lollypops, yeah!! xD xD

At fist we thought they were just normal candies.. then she told us they were really lollypops.. and that we could lick them during our latin lesson.

And indeed we did it, while checking the latin version we had to do. :D :D

Buhauauaah, it was too funny.

22 people licking their lollypops during a lesson.

We love youuuu Pichezzz !!!!

[Ei aihetta]Tiistai 30.10.2007 17:51

Today at school our french teacher told us about Pascal.
I found his thoughts quite interesting.. and for one time literature french lesson wasn't boring as usual! :O

"Nous ne pensons presque point au présent, et si nous y pensons ce n'est que pour en prendre la lumière pour disposer de l'avenir. Le présent n'est jamais notre fin. Le passé et le présent sont nos moyens; le seul avenir est notre fin. Ainsi nous ne vivons jamais, mais nous espérons de vivre, et, nous disposant toujours à être heureux, il est inévitable que nous ne le soyons jamais."