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-Maanantai 21.02.2011 14:37

Aww tuitui Milann ♥

You type me kisses
For days you draw me smiles
You send me clips
At night you offer me links

Then through the camera I catch sight of your intentions
It's all stupid when you're not next to me
Then through the camera I catch sight of your intentions
It's all stupid, you're not next to me

Disconnect yourself from the net
Log yourself off from the chat
Isn't the real better than the unreal world

Come on, get off of Face(book)
Avoid Myspace
Because a relationship over the net dangerously disturbs me
Walk to me, enjoy in person (live)

You follow all the trends
You add friends on your profile
All kinds of characters
All suspicious types

So let them hold it against me that I spoil your intentions
Let them find a substitute, be next to me
So let them hold it against me that I spoil your intentions
Let them find a substitute, you belong to me

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