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karasu no zeroKeskiviikko 28.10.2009 06:22

Japan popin mukaan Crows zerossa Genjiä näyttelee Shun Ogari

WCMaanantai 26.10.2009 20:17

whats the difference in between wc and wc?

well the first one means "wrong chat" and only after that u have time to tell them ur going to toilet....

lolloti lolSunnuntai 25.10.2009 10:23

eipäs tullu katteltua kelloa

lolloti lol

VITut.Lauantai 24.10.2009 18:51

luovutan kohta

magnetLauantai 24.10.2009 17:25

As tears fall from my eyes, you lean closer and wishpered "it's alright"
So why do I taste tears in your kiss
yoakega kuruto fuande naite shimau watashini
"daijoubu" to sasayaita anatamo naite itano?

TÄNÄÄN...Lauantai 24.10.2009 16:07

...vähintää kirjoitan sen ansiluettelon ja CVn ja teen niihin grafiikat, sitten saan pelata.

nino kuuntelee ja kääntelee päätään kun sen maha kurisee..tyhmä otus

siitä mun portfoliosta ei tule kauhean hyvää D: kunnen pysty kunnolla hahmottaan sitä kunnen voi tulostaa vasta kun koulussa ja maanantaina sen pitää olla valmis. miksei meillä vois olla lisäaikaa tiistaihin u_____u

Fail... pantyshot

lolLauantai 24.10.2009 04:56

again huh....noway

how stupid can human be...Perjantai 23.10.2009 07:24

well I'll tell u a little story of a girl...who WAS supposed to do her portfolio and got distracked from the main road...

so after she got bored with looking for photos from her com, she decided to take a break and go see her friends at PW.
"kuinkas sitten kävikään"

there she sat playing and helping some people on their quests.
lots of running around, and I mean LOT!

She got to know 10 to 11 new players and got 6 new friends.
she was happy.... untill she noticed smt...the time

it was like 03:57


Well I quess she didn't continue do her portfolio...
And again shes right at the spot where she started.

How frustrating that must be...u can only imagine.

nite ya all g2go
Where I am a whisper he is a scream.
Forget that last sentence, I’m not that poetic.
I destroy the world, I recreate...

pure purple RAGE rangeKeskiviikko 21.10.2009 21:47