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[Ei aihetta]Tiistai 21.08.2007 02:10

ystävä on se henkilö joka lunastaa sinut putkasta....

tosi ystävä istuu siinä vierellä ja hokee: "mites vitussa me tänne jouduttiin"

57% happylife~ that's lame...Maanantai 20.08.2007 12:28

yus that is Sauce-gays hand he's holding~Maanantai 13.08.2007 13:36


NOODLZ ATTACQ !!!Tiistai 31.07.2007 08:14

[Dear god, help those muffins]




noniin, siis siihen varsinaiseen asiaan *krhm*

Vitun mese itikka ei suostu luikkii laitille, vaan pesiyty oikee kunnolla...
ah kuinka makoisaa, harmi etten ole lintu. riittäs ravintoo kaikille 100000000 elämälle
A.K.A 97258619207167687...98913t28976478958754 vuodeks.....muutenki nii vähäruakane.

[ASIA B.//]


I would really like to do in DA that pixel ID thing, I really do.....
oh BUT, NOOOO!! I can't use photoshop at aalll.... isn't that fun, huh huh?

anyone.....hey come oon, I'm trying to be little sarcastic here...
Can't you people take any sarcasm....


[AsiA kuudeskymMEnesneljÄsziljoonastrILjoonas.//]

miks kaikki mikä o hyvää onki pahaa, ja kaikki suuhu menevä oksettaa.....

With loove for allof you: MEEE!!! you all know who me is, right? now you can f*ck off, and even die if that sounds good...

P.S har har

.:Pelkoja:.Maanantai 30.07.2007 15:24


Akrofobia --- korkeat paikat
Araknofobia --- hämähäkit
Bathofobia --- syvyyden pelko
Belonofobia --- neulat
Klaustrofobia --- ahtaat paikat
Demofobia --- väkijoukot
Fobofobia --- pelkäämisen pelko

[korkeet paikat vaan sillo jos olen jossai korkeella ja siitä on vaarapudota ni sillo, tyyliin pareveke ilman kaidetta]
[syvyydenpelko on vähä niin ja näin, jos olen syvällä, vedessä esim, jossai mistä ei pääse suoraan pintaan, saattaa tulla paniikki, merenpohjasukellus jossai luolissa olis iha hirveetä]
[Kyl poru tulee jos joku muhun neulan laittaa vaikkei se satu....säälittävää..]

TOINENKI...eri testi, saman tyylinenMaanantai 30.07.2007 04:26

Your Naruto Name: Mayuko Matsumoto

Rank: Chunin

They think:

Naruto: shes alright, me and her dont talk as much but I have seen her in ramen shops.

Sakura: who? Oh her? She's so quiet and stuff I hardly notice her... except when Sasuke-kun looks at her *gasps* SASUKE-KUN NO!!! DONT FALL FOR HER TRICKS!!!

Sasuke: we talk a lot, but I try not to do that in public because if Sakura or Ino [aka any fangirls] saw me talking to another girl that isnt them theyd throw a fit. I can relate to some things with Matsu-chan [Matsu= short version of Matsumoto] and we have same interests.

Kakashi-sensai: she's quiet, and sometimes it feels as if she's up to something, but maybe its my imagination. She also is very skilled.

Rock Lee: I think she avoids my stare... that must mean shes shy! *blushes then thinks of her*

Tenten: sorry but I dont know her. [Youve avoided attention and so some dont know u]

Neji: she needs to face reality, if she doesnt speak up she wont be heard. She seems to be in the need of rescuing and slightly paranoid.

Gai-sensai: she doesnt act as youthful as the rest of the ninja in the village, I wonder why? *ignores his own statement and rambles on about youth* [XD]

Ino: hmm? I think Ive seen her hanging out with Sasuke-kun once before... oh no! Sasuke-kun, tell me it isnt so! Ill have to deal with her like I deal with billboard head!

Shikamaru: shes more collective of her thoughts, like me... its not a drag to talk to her thats for sure. [GASP! For once it isnt a drag!?!?]

Choji: *to busy eating to answer and walks away*

Asuma-sensai: I dont see her around much, but Ive been told that she's skilled and can take out multiple jonin easily. Thats imposable for a chunin.

Kiba: her scent is scarce in Konoha... but outside the village its almost everywhere... what's she up to?

Akamaru: ...bark? (huh?)

Shino: *ignores and walks away*

Hinata: uhh... *blushing and shy* I dont know her...

Kurinai-sensai: if she can defeat numerous jonin then she must be a jonin herself or higher...

Tsunade: her skills are the only thing that I first noticed her for. She is now training to become a medic-nin also.

Ishizu: Im her sensai, Lady Tsunade told me to teach her how to become a medic-nin, and she is a very fast learner.

Gaara: stay out of my way. *death glare*

Kankurou: I havent seen her around, I wonder if shes avoiding my puppet...

Temari: she almost got on Gaaras bad side, and that could have lead out to a fight, good thing neither of them had the attention to fight also she didnt seem scared of him at all...

Orochimaru: her skills rival Sasukes or higher... she will be the backup if I cannot get Sasukes body... *evil laugh and grin* [twisted bastard...]

Kabuto: *grin* a fellow medic-nin, this'll be fun. *evil grin*

Akatsuki Leader: I have already sent a ninja after her; to retrieve her... her abilities are useful here.

Itachi: I will touchier her with my mangekyou sharingan, her screams will be delectable...

Kisame: no matter how many times my Shark Skin takes away her chakra, she always manages to revive it... how? [congrats! U have chakra control to da max!]

Tobi: I just joined Akatsuki, and now Leader is making some one else join just like that? Ill kill her for that. [he tried really hard to join Akatsuki, and it took a while]

Sasori: my puppets scare her *evil grin*

Zetsu: if I devour her, will I gain her abilities?

Deidara: she's so seriouse, a couple of tricks and some clay bird bombs might lighten up her mood.

Unnamed Member: *stares at person interviewer*

Well youre quiet, yet powerful. People dont want to mess with you. Face it, youre just that strong!