


Ah, ma petite chou-fleur~

YIHIHIII 8DPerjantai 06.08.2010 17:51

Onnistuin heräämään tänään klo 7:00! Hyvää harjoitusta koulunalkamista varten. Hetkinen, toi kuulostaa siltä, kuin olisin menossa ala-asteen ekalle xD Hämmästyttävintä on se, että nukuin alle kuusi tuntia, muttei väsytä. Jännittää ihan saatanasti, kun on noi enkunkirjoitukset edessä >.< MUTTA PYSTYN SIIHEN, KOSKA OLEN LUKENUT (en kovinkaan ahkerasti) MUTTA SILTI LUKENUT!!! o/

"The more you f*cking read the more you f*cking know!"
-Samuel L. Jackson

Aloitin myös lukemaan ensimmäistä Potter-kirjaa aamuyön tylsyydessä. Ajattelin, että nyt on ihan turvallista lukea niitä, kun ne eivät kerta enää ole niin massailmiöitä (kiitos Twilightin?).

Leivoin eilen illalla mustikkapiirakan :3 Siitä tuli hyvä

[Ei aihetta]Sunnuntai 01.08.2010 04:52

Leivoinpa sitten kirsikkapiirakan, raparperiomenakeikauskakun ja mustikkavadelmapaistoksen :3

NUOLE MUN KENKII, KENKII!Torstai 22.07.2010 21:58

Pelataan! Silent HillKeskiviikko 14.07.2010 16:25

Nimi kertoo jo kaiken. Teen tällaista pientä läpipeluuta ensimmäisestä Silent Hill pelistä. Liittykää mukaan matkalle, jos vain haluatte xP

Pahoittelen ensimmäisen kolmen videon huonoa laatua. Ne olivat vähän niinkuin "kokeiluja" ^^'

LAPSENI OVAT PALANNEET!!! ;__________;Keskiviikko 07.07.2010 06:00

Jos tekee mieli tehdä matka surrealistisen hämärään maailmaan, menkää linkistä YT-sivulleni ja alkakaa katsoa soittolistoja ;D

The Silent Sound on PALANNUT!!!

The power of dreamsLauantai 03.07.2010 15:52

Long ago in a beautiful country there lived a handsome man. Although he wasn't that rich, he lived in a three story castle. It had nearly anything you could imagine: a grand ball room with a large terrace, a wine cellar filled with the most expensive and well-aged wines, a huge number of unused bed rooms, dark hallways that led nowhere, secret passageways to chambers and dungeons unknown to most people. In spite of the spacious castle the man lived there all by himself.
It didn't bother him that much as he rarely had an urge for company but when he did he visited the bar in the near-by inn. There he would seek lonely, pretty women, to whom he could offer his glamorous presence. The regular pattern was the following: after a few drinks they would go back to the castle where they would wind up spending a wild night together.
The man, Ash, lived a care free life playing with women and their feelings like a child with his toys. It was unusual for the "victims" to realise what Ash was doing with them (mainly since they were either drunk or just simply wanted Ash too badly) but he had ways of coping with those who were more persistent. No matter what the situation was the women always ended the same way. Ruined.
One day Ash was walking in the woods in hopes of catching some game. After a while he got more than he asked for when he stumbled upon a small pond. The pond itself was nothing special nor was the fauna that inhabited it. The thing that caught his eye the most was a young woman who was putting on her clothes next to the pond.
"Apperantly she had just finished taking a bath" said Ash to himself "Darn, I'm too late!"
"Can be of any assistance?" was said in a friendly matter. Ash opened his eyes and to his surprise the girl who just had been standing in the distance was right next to him. The two started talking and after a couple of smooth lines the two were on their way to the castle.
Through a small chat Ash found out that the girl was a traveler with little money so he offered her a room for the night for free. In the castle they had dinner along with a long conversation. But after approximently 30 minutes Ash noticed that the girl started doing "weird" things. She had long pauses when she was talking, even in the middle of a sentence. It was as she was listening to someone else than Ash. In fact, sometimes she even answered to this imaginary thing with a nod of the head or with a short reply like "Is that so..." plus her facial expression changed rabidly as if she was hearing multible voices.
Then things took a different turn. "Mister, shall we go to the wine cellar together to get some refreshments?" the girl said followed by a childish giggle. Ash was slitely confused but eventually took her to the cellar. There in the darkness of the basement Ash asked the question: "What do you want" while looking through the shelves.
"Nothing really" the girl replied "I just want to ask a question"
"Go ahead!"
"Why did you murder all of these women and girls after you robbed and raped them?" the girl asked in a blunt way. Ash fell into an ocean of shock.
"How did you find that out?!" he shouted at the girl.
"They told me" she answered while waving her arm as if she was pointing out a group of people to him but there was no one in the cellar but them. Ash was clearly panicing.
"You crazy bitch! There's no one here!"
"You can't see them? How sad, so sad..." she said darkly.
"ENOUGH!" Ash shout out while he rushed at the girl. It was quiet. Not a sound was made while the two stood there close to each other. Soon the silence was broken by the sound of liquid dripping on the floor. It was blood. Blood from the deep wound made by the dagger Ash had just moments ago struck into the girl's heart.
She stood there calmly looking at Ash who was confused by the whole situation. The girl then pulled the dagger out of her chest. Blood poured out of the wound like water from a fountain and soon the whole room was covered in it. Ash's eyes were in tears of fear.
"WHAT ARE YOU!? WHY WON'T YOU JUST DIE!?!?" he shouted using the full capacity of his lungs. As he was shouting the blood was absorbed into the ground and the castle started to shake. Ash looked to the ground and saw skinny, rotting arms and heads rising from it. He recognized all of them. They were the ones he had killed.
They grabbed him and clawed him. Their actions were full of hatred and rage. Suddenly they started pulling Ash towards the girl. She clapped her hands together slowly and a giant cross found its way through the ground in to the cellar. Ash was terrified at the sight of it. He screamed and struggled with all his might but it was no match for the undead. He was then placed on the cross, nailed and chained to it. His body and face were covered with rusty pieces of armor that were spiked from the inside. He cried for help but it was useless.
"As a punishment for your actions you are sentenced to spend 200 years in a place worse than even Hell itself. There you will be tortured continuesly untill you become the terrible thing you truly are within!" the girl announced in a demonic voice.
Ash tried to reason with them but not a single word came out of his mouth. The trip to the Otherworld was about to begin. The undead maidens formed a circle around the cross. The ground started to shake and the castle started to crumble. The building was no more. He was no more. There was only it.

ARGHHHH >8((((Keskiviikko 02.06.2010 22:15

Että mua vituttaa tollaset ihmiset, jotka vaan soittaa yhtäkkiä kertoakseen, et nyt pitäis tehdä sitovapäätös siitä, että onko mukana vai ei! Ite projektista ei ole kuulunu mitään kuukausiin ja viimeksi sanottiin, et aloitetaan syksyllä, mut EI! Nyt pirautetaan mun armaiden nokosten aikana, et se siirtykin tälle kesälle, et ootko mukana vai et. "Tartten aikaa miettiä" ei käynyt näköjään vastaukseksi...
Mul on kesä täynnä suunnitelmia (okei ei ole, mut silti), eikä toi ole reilua. Tarvitsen lomaa. Ansaitsen sen!!!

Saatana! Ei kukaan maata omista!

Oon raatanu niska limassa jo pitkään koulua, harrastusta ja ihmissuhteita tasapainotellessa. LOMA ON MINUN! Ei joku mulle täysin tuntematon muija voi sitä multa viedä!
En edes tykänny siitä porukasta... ne oli liian liian... mikäs se sana nyt on? Ah niin! Normaaleja. Tylsän normaaleja. Pissiksiä ja fruittareita. Not my kind of piippöl...
Sitä paitsi, vaikka jäisinkin sinne... siin on ne suutelukohtaukset... >__>' Ei hyvä

Herttinen, mä en edes tiedä milloin, missä ja miten! >8(

Olen virallisesti tullut hulluksi 8DMaanantai 31.05.2010 02:32

Sitä ei voi välttää, kun on kahden päivän aikana viettänyt päälle 15h matematiikan tehtävien parissa. Sain laskettua vain vaivaiset 139 tehtävää .___.