
... Lauantai 17.11.2007 01:12

I hear your voice, I can't see your lips moving. You are telling for me something but I don't have any idea what it is. Snake is smiling eyes shining like a moon and we growl. Apples are going to end so let me eat my innocent while the warm wind is still blowing.

I see waves stopping middle their way to the beach, I sense presence behind my back. Lonely water drop is waiting for it's turn to fall down and so am I. I am waiting my turn to live even for a moment if it's worth it.

Stop the silence before my ears are starting to fade away and eat my innocent with me without touching my existence. I want to know what life can let me get my hands on. Like everyone else I want to live. Believe in reality and kiss it so that it believes in you too.

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