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SunnutaiSunnuntai 09.08.2009 18:01

Koulua koulua.

Tänään taas takaisin Mikkeliin, ja huomenna viimeinen viikko saksanopiskeluja! Nyt 8 vk jo takana sitä, enkä kyllä vieläkään hirveesti osaa. Mutta ens perjantaina alkaa onneks viikon loma.

Pitää nyt väsäillä vielä saksan projektia vähän, sitte junalle.


NerokastaTorstai 05.03.2009 22:20

Fiksuja sanoja by Neil Strauss, hear hear:

"What do you do?

[...]one thing is certain: We are living at an unprecedented time in
American, and world, history. For those of us born in the 70s, 80s,
and 90s, it seemed like anything was possible for most of our
lives. The sky was the limit when it came to seeking fame, fortune,
romance, travel, experience, knowledge, and fun.

In the last few years, however, we've learned that the sky was
actually a ceiling, and it has been slowly lowering over our heads.
It's not the same world we grew up in. Now, many people I know are
just happy to be standing.

And this is why I'm writing a very different message to you than
what I usually send.

It's important, more than ever, not to make decisions out of fear.

You only get one shot at this life.

So don't hold yourself back from reaching for your dreams out of
fear. Don't stay in a job that makes you unhappy just because
you're afraid you won't find another one. Don't live with someone
who makes you miserable just because you're scared you won't be
able to make it on your own. Don't wait until you have a certain
amount of money saved to start that project or lifestyle you've
always dreamed of.

I'm not saying to be reckless and impractical and just hope you'll
get lucky, but to stop waiting and to start doing. Begin working on
your dream now - let it enter the foreground of your life, and
allow the things you don't enjoy to slowly recede to the background
until you don't need them anymore.

I was recently listening to an interview with the late mythology
writer and lecturer Joseph Campbell, and he said something very wise:

"I feel if one follows what I call his bliss - the thing that
really gets you deep in the gut and that you feel is your life -
doors will open up. They do. They have in my life, and they have in
many lives I know. And...if you follow your bliss, you will have your
bliss, whether you have money or not. If you follow money, you may
lose the money and then you don't even have that. The secure way is
really the insecure way."

You may recall a routine from The Game called eliciting values. It
was a way to find out what someone's core value or goal in life is.
And after doing it a few times, I quickly discovered that, though a
lot of people think they want fame or fortune or love or sex, the
truth is that deep down they want something else, like to feel safe
or complete or happy or fulfilled or free. And they just happen to
think (usually mistakenly) that fame or fortune or the attention of
the opposite sex will whisk them there.

So now is the time to ask yourself: Why are you here? What do you
enjoy doing and, more importantly, what do enjoy feeling inside?
What is taking away from that enjoyment or feeling? And how can you
get to a place where you can experience or feel that more often?

And just as you shouldn't make decisions out of fear, you shouldn't
make decisions out of hope either. Hope can be just as big a trap
as fear.

You should make decisions out of respect, for yourself.

Because if you don't believe in yourself, then nobody else is going

- Neil Strauss

[Ei aihetta]Tiistai 30.12.2008 23:56

Hohhoi kun on taas hyvät uudenvuodensuunnitelmat meillä. Saas nähdä minne sitä tällä kertaa eksyy! Jos en nyt kuitenkaan tänä uutenavuotena hävittäis puhelinta, viime lauantai oli kuitenki jo kolmas kerta.

Ei helvettiMaanantai 29.12.2008 00:18

Hävitin taas kännykän, kolmas kerta jo! Ei hyvä helevetti.

jouluTiistai 23.12.2008 17:31

Joulu tulee ja sitten uusi vuosi. Sitten uusi alku, taas kerran. Saas nähdä miten ne opiskelut maistuu tälleen melkein kolmen vuoden tauon jälkeen. Mutta ei tässä kehtaa aloilleenkaan jäädä ettei sammaloidu.

SäätiedotusSunnuntai 23.11.2008 21:24

Torstaina oli ilmassa usvaa, eilen oli Kallen päässä usvaa ja oikeestaan vielä tänäänkin.

Kitaran soitto on jäänyt nyt pariksi päiväksi, voe hittolainen. Huomenna pitää taas mennä töihin, periaatteessa vituttaa.

[Ei aihetta]Perjantai 21.11.2008 20:40

Hienoa, sain kämpän Mikkelistä! 42 neliöinen yksiö ja vuokrakin on vaan vähän reilu 400e. Kyllä kelepaa kalsarikänneillä siellä!

marrarrarraskuuTiistai 18.11.2008 00:46

Loppu lähenee! Vielä on tekemistä tälle vuodelle, pitää löytää kämppä Mikkelistä ja saada kaikki järjestelyt hoidettua. Töissäkin pitäis jaksaa käydä vielä kuukausi.

Viime viikonloppu oli aika hirveä, pelkäsin henkeni puolesta pariinkin kertaan. Huokailua ja valitusta oli kuultavissa. Ensi viikonloppu on ehkä sitte rauhallisempi.

UffLauantai 18.10.2008 20:22

Huokailurapula. Uuuh. Oli saunailta eilen.

Katoin tuon Tali-Ihantala -leffan, aika huono. Nyt pitää tehdä jotain ruokaa.


JeejeeSunnuntai 12.10.2008 23:51

Vituttaa mennä töihin huomenna.
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