


The Marley of Muhis land

Mysterious Girl<3Sunnuntai 25.06.2006 21:34

I Wanted To Tell You,
In Words Of My Own
You're The Most Precious Person,
That I've Ever Known.

You're The Prettiest Girl,
Than Any I've Seen
Your Body Is Flawless,
So Slender And Lean.

Your Eyes Have That Sparkle,
That I Can't Live Without
One Day Without Them,
And I'd Die There's No Doubt.

And I Just Lose Control,
When I Glance At Your Hair
Those Curls Are Just Stunning,
So Perfect And Rare.

You're The Most Caring Person,
That I've Ever Met
There's No One Like You,
And That I Can Bet.

What Attracts Me The Most,
Is Your Sweet And Kind Touch
You're A Gift Sent From Heaven,
And I Love You So Much.

So Hold Me As Close,
As You Possibly Can
'Cause Now And Forever,
I Am Your Man.

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