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[Ei aihetta]Torstai 17.05.2007 00:56

You shouldn't try to write love songs with your lack of skill.
Oh well.
Knowing the real Yuki or having Yuki with me now...
How could I worry about such an unimportant thing?
Don't screw around!!!!!
What are you saying, drove him to it
Do you think you can escape from me?
See you, I'm going to work.
Hey. How long do you intend to live in my house?

Now you are feeling depressed. Aren't you the busy one?
You'll be OK, because I'm here for you.
You're being really, really nice today.
Dont' Imply I'm normally umpleasant.
But you're pale.
I just said it was nothing.
But seeing you being moved so much by Shindou-San is...a little hard for me.

But I didn't ask her anything!
I want to know you by myself.
I want to hear it from you.
Stop playing around, man!
Is it wrong to want to be with someone you love!?
When I remembered how I always betray others...
No, I absolutely can't go back to that time.

It's been decided that you'r album's going on sale, hasn't it.
Why don't I understand you?
You are the one I don't understand.
What is it that you really want?

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