
Uusimmat blogimerkinnät

Selaa blogimerkintöjä

-Perjantai 09.10.2009 15:45

1. Would you makeout with me?
a Hell Yea
b Yes
c No
d Maybe
e Already have
2. Would you sleep in the same bed as me?
a In an instant!
b Yes
c No
d Maybe
3. Am I attractive?
a Hot as Hell
b Cute
c Fine
d Okay
e Ugly!
f Heck no
4. Do you think I'm a virgin?
a Yes
b No
5. I look like..
a A player
b A wife/husband
c One time thing
d Next bf/gf
e A friend
f A friend with benefits
g A possibility
h A hottie
i A loser
6. If you saw me for the first time would you talk to me?
a Yes
b No
c maybe
7. Would you rather...?
a Hook up with me
b Cuddle with me
c Date me
d Friends
e Friends with benefits
f Marry me
g Fuck me
8. On a scale of 1-10 (10 being the hottest), rate me...
a 10
b 9
c 8
d 7
e 6
f 5
g 4
h 3
i 2
j 1
9. What would you want me to be to you?
a Husband/Wife
b Girlfriend/Boyfriend
c Friend with benefits
d Friend
10. Would you give me a lap dance?
a Hell Yea
b Yes
c No
d Maybe

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