


Let's make it simple... Let's drink it all!

Joulu on taas prkle... =)Torstai 24.12.2009 19:41

24 luukku hm... Mitäköhän sitä keksisi... =P
Pitääpä hetki miettiä... Nyt välähti!
Jotain vähän rauhallisempaa mut kai tuo sopii tähän tilanteeseen juuri hyvin... =)

Vanha lempibändi kun on niin oli kai sitä pistettävä... Varsinkin tältä uudemmalta levyltä jossa on vielä monia sinfonia versioita...


Started a dangerous game that's not won by
The person who made the first move
Chose to be targeted by all those eyes
And now, some of you think I'm a fool...

I guess I am guilty, I'm only a man
But this world is imperfect too,
But that just has to do...

I chose not to hear what the smart people said,
And instead played my cards like a fool
Every day took a chance to get caught in the fire,
These flames do not burn like I do...

I wait in line to be hung by the neck,
until everyone sees I'm right
I need to have my chains

Removed and hide here
While the spotlight's seeking me...
Forget the world for now, my Love,
And live these days with me
As if the world wasn't ending...


Masks removed we hide here
While the spotlight's seeking me...
Forget the world for now, my Love,
And live these days with me
As if the world wasn't ending...

Take me where I cannot hear
The people calling me...
Pour Whisky, Brandy, Vodka...
Come and live this night with me...
As if the world wasn't ending...

Ja nyt ahmiin maha täyteen nam...

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