


Blood and Tears

[Ei aihetta]Torstai 27.01.2011 00:51

Well let me tell baby. You allways asking.
The ghoust of my past are allways on your mind.
I'm not so proud, But i have pay the price.
This man allways wander's around
But now ghoust of my past wonders around.

I worship you babe, You know it.
I Never could betray you.
Now look at me and let me love you.

I was just a litle kid when I got into booz
Pills and powders were my howl day meal.
Street was my home and next of kin.
Dizzy ride was my life then.

Cigarettes were smoked fast.
Liquor botles emptied fast
Eye from eye, Teef for two.
That was bold.

Too young i was maried. That girl was big with child.
I think she got some diseas. I can only guess.

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