
[Ei aihetta]Sunnuntai 20.05.2012 21:00

You said that I should change. You said that I should be nicer. You said that that the way I act would push my friends away from me. I don't usually listen to the things people say about me, but this time, I caught myself admitting that you might have been right. You made me see that I should indeed change my behaviour. Now that you made me a little bit wiser, I don't waste my time being nice to those, who don't deserve it from me. Now I show the people I love that I do want them there. Now I'm nice to those who are what they are, and are loved purely because of the people they are. I changed myself so that I would never in my life have to deal with someone who adapts to the will of others. I changed so that I could avoid the company of people who only want to be liked by everyone. I changed because I didn't need someone who only wants everyone's attention.
I changed to avoid people like you.

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