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POEM by Nikki GTorstai 21.08.2008 22:51

" I cant' believe your trip to America is now at an end,
And now you are my best friend
Throughout your stay we have had some great times,
So now I would like to remind you of them with my rhymes.

I first met you at hotDog Committee,
And thought to myself that foreign is such a cutie!
then before we knew it was TNT week,
you probably thought our school was filled with freaks.
We hung streamers up in the halls,
Remember when you of the yoga ball!

We went to haunted house with Krsitin Marisa and Jim,
We all took turns holding onto him.
On our way there we got lost,
But we were taking you there at any cost!

Winter Dance was here before we knew it,
All the dresses were perfect fits.
We stayed up and danced the night away,
Then we hit up at Hard Rock Cafe.
When we were there we ate and ate,
Overall the night was great!
Then came the day you won the Hoe-Down,
The mailmen and postcards were all wearing frowns.
One day we decides to go downtown,
When there was no party we looked like clowns.

Over winter break we dressed up and had dinner,
After eating we wished we were thinner.
Peanut butter pie was a big hit,
We ate so much our clothes did not fit.
We made a trip to the falls with Jen in the snow,
It's cause we had nowhere else to go.

You had a surprise party with your name on the cake,
We danced like fools for goodness sake!
One day we went to Anchor Bar to get real Buffalo Wings,
The chicken wing hat was a new thing.

With the hat we played ass hole - the sweetest game,
Go figure the foreign is president and puts us to shame.
Jim rocked the sunglasses,
And you kicked our asses.

At the prom breakfast we ate a lot of food,
They played great music to set the mood.
then it was time for prom,
Our limo bus was for sure the bomb!
We used an umbrella that looked like a duck,
If it had rained, it would have really sucked.
You looked so gorgeous in your dress,
By the end of the night we were all a crying mess.
Prom was an amazing night,
And everyone looked out og sight.
Most stayed and partied on the bus when the night was done,
While others went home to sleep and prepare for camping fun.

One night we camped put in my back yard,
Sleeping on the ground wasn't that hard.
We texted Ethan all night long,
Some things we said were very wrong (ha ha)
Jim hit me in the head with a piece of wood,
one day later you did it too!

The next day we woke up very early to go to Toronto with Jim,
With no good directions we were going out on a limb.
We ate at a restaurant called Gabby's,
The place wasn't all that shabby.
Then we went and got smoothies they were really yummy,
By then we had filled our tummies.

We ate subway at the river,
talking about you leaving made our lips quiver.
One night I introduced you to ready whip,
then you got sprayed by the one and only Nipps.
Another thing we made was Jiffy Pop,
Oh the fun never stops!

We went to an assembly where you gave a speech,
And Jen and I did nothing but weep!!
You taught me parrots in Finland are very smart,
Joe and his friend are never apart.

I taught you how to play ladder ball,
And of course you won it all,
We walked to grand Island and back,
that day in fitness did not lack.
All night long we sang sing star,
Not thinking of the day when you would once be far.

We burned our folders from PC skills,
O boy it was such a thrill!
I told you all my deepest secrets,
I told you them with no regrets.
You guided me through all my tough times,
You would be there for me at the drop of a dime.

It feels as if our friendship has just begun,
I guess we learned time flies when you are having fun.
I hope I showed you many new exciting things,
And I can only imagine what the future brings.

We will meet one day in Paris France,
And on the Eiffel tower we will dance.
Ethan may come along too,
Because if he wasn't there our dream wouldn't come true.

When I think back on our past year,
I may start to shed some tears.
I will think of how our meeting was arranged,
And how my life was forever changed.

I love you more than you will ever know,
And I hope this poem helped to show.
You are really one of my best friends,
And I will remember you to the end.
You taught me a very special quote,
I wrote it at the end of this as a reminder note.
I will hold it dear to me for all of time,
And this is where I conclude my rhyme.

Remember to always reach for the stars,
And know friends are never too far!

by Nicole Green, North Tonawanda May 2008

"Don't cry because it's over - Smile because it happened"

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