


ei hakkaa päätä seinään mushmush

[Ei aihetta]Maanantai 20.10.2008 03:56

Ei voiku rakastaa Francis Capraa puspus. Veronica Marsissa aivan ihana ja rakastan jaksoa Rashard and Wallace Go to White Castle. Voisin mennä lohduttaa koska vaan. Ja onhan Francis ihana Heroesin season kolmosellaki. Puspuspus. En pysty kattomaan enään VM:ää kun rakastan liikaa Francisia.<3

Weevil: This is pointless.

Beaver: [sighs] Okay, look, so you know quadratic equations, right?

Weevil: Do I look like someone who knows quadratic equations, huh?

Beaver: I'm just trying to see what you already know.

Weevil: Zero! You want your car fixed? Teach me.

Beaver: Okay, okay. All right, look, so this equation right here, what do you think we should do first?

Weevil: Am I a five-year-old girl, huh? Lay it out for me, dawg, c'mon! Make me understand.

Beaver: Okay, okay! Okay, so let's say that you and your buddy wanna buy a 12-pack of a certain item, say, like, uh, spark plugs for "X" dollars, and you wanna find out how many of another item, like, um, I dunno, like oil, that you can get for the same amount. Except oil is "Y" times as much -

Weevil: If this is your idea of terms I'll understand, I'm going to kill you. Or myself. It's a toss-up. Screw it, man. I'll just cheat.

Beaver: No, look... but what about my car?

Weevil: You know power buffers, right? Well, let's say your door panel is a summer home, right, and you need to clear out the south lawn to make a tennis court, so -

Mac: [from next table over] F-O-I-L. That's all it is. First, Outside, Inside, Last. All algebra - it's just the formula.

Weevil: Now can you teach me that?

Mac: You'll still fix his car?

Weevil: That's the deal.

Mac: Okay, say you and your buddy buy a 12-pack of spark plugs... [Weevil glares] I'm just kidding.

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