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Helppoa kuin lapsen lyöminen.Tiistai 25.10.2011 22:21


90v isoäidillä käyny nyt jonkun aikaa siivoja kun ei oikein itse pysty enää isoa jyrkkäportaista omakotitaloa siivoilemaan. Eka siivooja tuli niin kännissä paikalle että kaatu pyörällä pihalle ja kontanen imuroi, toinen oli ihan hyvä mutta kun joutui saikulle niin seuraava oliki sitte siivonnu myös kaikki vähäiset ja tunnearvokkaat kultakorut - kävi ilmi muutama viikko myöhemmin kun poliisi soitti ja kyseli onko tämmönen kaveri käyny siivoamassa -.-

Saapa nähdä saako koskaan mun isoisän isän vihkisormusta yms takas, eiköhän ne oo jo myyty jolleki lukuisista MYY KULTASI -puljulle.. huoh.

Behavioral economist Dan Ariely, the author of Predictably Irrational, uses classic visual illusions and his own counterintuitive (and sometimes shocking) research findings to show how we're not as rational as we think when we make decisions.

Rakkautta & Anarkiaa 2011Lauantai 03.09.2011 01:08


Lauantai 17.9.
16:00 Milocrorze - A Love Story Kinopalatsi 1
23:00 I Saw the Devil Bio Rex

Sunnuntai 18.9.
16:00 Kätkijät* Bio Rex
18:30 Tatsumi Maxim 2

Maanantai 19.9.
16:00 13 Assassins Kinopalatsi 1

Tiistai 20.9.
16:00 Poetry Bio Rex

Keskiviikko 21.9.
16:00 Guilty of Romance Kinopalatsi 7

Perjantai 23.9.
23:00 Red Nights Bio Rex

Lauantai 24.9.
13:30 7 Sins Forgiven Bio Rex

Sunnuntai 25.9.
18:30 Nader ja Simin: ero* Bio Rex
21:00 Detective Dee and the Mystery of the Phantom Flame Bio Rex

The Beast Stalker
Cold Fish
The Future
The Greatest Movie Ever Sold
Griff the Invisible
The Guard*
Iho jossa elän*
Le Quattro Volte
The Salt of Life
Sleeping Beauty
The Stool Pigeon
The Trip
The Unjust

* Normilevitykseen

Seth Godin on standing outKeskiviikko 03.08.2011 01:12

In a world of too many options and too little time, our obvious choice is to just ignore the ordinary stuff. Marketing guru Seth Godin spells out why, when it comes to getting our attention, bad or bizarre ideas are more successful than boring ones.

John Hunter on the World Peace GameMaanantai 25.07.2011 22:48

John Hunter puts all the problems of the world on a 4'x5' plywood board -- and lets his 4th-graders solve them. At TED2011, he explains how his World Peace Game engages schoolkids, and why the complex lessons it teaches -- spontaneous, and always surprising -- go further than classroom lectures can.

MacMaster + Leahy play the fiddleSunnuntai 24.07.2011 23:21

Natalie MacMaster and her musical partner Donnell Leahy play several tunes from the Cape Breton tradition -- a sprightly, soulful style of folk fiddling. It's an inspired collaboration that will have you clapping (and maybe dancing) along.

Stacey Kramer offers a moving, personal, 3-minute parable that shows how an unwanted experience -- frightening, traumatic, costly -- can turn out to be a priceless gift.
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Pollination: it's vital to life on Earth, but largely unseen by the human eye. Filmmaker Louie Schwartzberg shows us the intricate world of pollen and pollinators with gorgeous high-speed images from his film "Wings of Life," inspired by the vanishing of one of nature's primary pollinators, the honeybee.

The LXD (the Legion of Extraordinary Dancers) electrify the TED2010 stage with an emerging global street-dance culture, revved up by the Internet. In a preview of Jon ChuÂ’s upcoming Web series, this astonishing troupe show off their superpowers.