


she hate my heart...she is my heart

*this road*Keskiviikko 16.01.2008 04:41

i know there is pain in my soul
and its tearing my eyes off every night
i know that i need to get used to it
beacuse i don't want to lose you

if i just can take your pain away
and make you feel like your loved
i would,and i should do it

my hate,my faith its soon over
My head against the wall, its all over
never let the smallest thing's go past,or it will be soon over

I'd give anything I have to you
i know its not enough but i mean it
blood is trickle from my eyes
It wouldn't last for long,its all rigth

if i just can take your pain away
and make you feel like your loved
i would,and i should do it

my hate,my faith its soon over
My head against the wall, its all over
never let the smallest thing's go past,or it will be soon over

(...oh please let me be strong,let me walk this road until its all over...)

if i just can take your pain away
and make you feel like your loved
i would,and i should do it

my hate,my faith its soon over
My head against the wall, its all over
never let the smallest thing's go past,or it will be soon over

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