


Bloody Fucking Mary

[Ei aihetta]Torstai 11.01.2007 02:57

1. Hanoi Rocks
2. Cancer Dancer
3. Wreckless Machine
4. Negative
5. New York Dolls
6. Backyard babies
7. Hardcore Superstar
8. Crash Diet
9. The 69 eyes
10. Smack

-What was the first song you ever heard by 6?
Making enemies is good

-What is your favorite album of 8?
They just have Rest in sleaze

-What is your favorite lyric that 5 has sung?
Runnin' around

-How many times have you seen 4 live?

-What's your favorite song of 7?

-What is a good memory you have considering the music of 10?
Don't have any good memories...haha :P

-Is there a song of 3 that makes you sad?
Wreckless Machine makes me happy! :D

-What is your favorite lyric that 2 has sung?
Guss singing Don't you ever leave me...whispering in my ear... ;)

-What is your favorite song by 9?
Wrap your troubles in dreams

-How did you get in to 3?
Well the swedish communuty "Helgon"...all swedish glamrockers are haning there...where talking with Stisse and then I was arraning this concert and they wanted a gig...Now it's all history and the WM-boys are really good friends of mine! :)

-What was the first song you heard by 1?
Tragedy? Maybe?

-What is your favorite song by 4?
Sinners night mistery morning

-How many times have you seen 9 live?
4... But I have meet the boys a couple of times in some bars in Stockholm ;)

-What is a good memory you have concerning 2?
Well my birthday... ;)

-Is there a song of 8 that makes you sad?
well...all of them in one way..I think of David and his family... he's missing for so many...A miracle is just so good!

-What is your favorite album of 5?
New york dolls

-What is your favorite lyric that 3 has sung?
Take me for a ride.

-What is your favorite song of 1?
Tragedy and Cafe Acenue! :)

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