
about what it´s like to be me.Perjantai 26.05.2006 00:41

stupid mom.
telling that i´d never be anything.
i´ll never be a good mother to my kids and
i´ll never be shit.
she sometimes forgets that i allready am,
the best daughter there can be.and i think it´s a start.

stupid dad.
i never stoped looking up to him.
allways searching someone else like him.
he won´t let me forget that i never will find him.
he forgets i allready have the best of all loves.

stupid sister.
thinks she´s so big
thinks that way cos i´so small in her eyes.
he tells me i´ll never be beatyfull, a prinses like she.
but she´s forgotten that i am the greatest big sister to my brother.

bottomline...... I ROCK!

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