
changeMaanantai 12.05.2008 00:35

verse:first she say`t
she wants to be
whit me and now
she asking to slow it
down,i dont care what
youre friends thinking about
us this is about me and you

bridge:i gotta find out way
to shake this girl of
but i cant cos my love
belongs to her,gotta
tell her that this

chorys:aint game you better
change this aint nice
and you make me loose
my coool looose my coool
you make me wanna loose
my cool my my my coool

verse2:see im not just your
friend im your boyfriend
so stop acting like that
she realy makes me go
crazyyy and i dont care
what they thing,this is about
you and meee

brinde:gotta find out a way
to shake this girl of
but i cant cos my love
belongs to her buti need
to tell you girl that this

chorys:aint game you better
change this aint nice
and you make me loose
my coool looose my coool
you make me wanna loose
my cool my my my coool

verse3:just give me a minute
you make me say things
twise shawty i gave you a
ring took you places you never
been now you making me loose
my coool i can replace you in a second
just dont make me cos this aint

chorys:game you better
change this aint nice
and you make me loose
my coool looose my coool
you make me wanna loose
my cool my my my coool

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