


♫ ♪ ♫ love love love♫ ♪ ♫
Loose lips sunk ships
I'm getting to grips with what you said
No it's not in my head
I can't awaken the dead
Day after day

Why don't we talk about it
Why do you always doubt that there can be a better way
It doesn't make me wanna stay

Why don't we break up?
There's nothing left to say
I got my eyes shut
Praying they won't stray
Oh we're not sexed up
That's what makes the difference today
I hope you blow away

You say we're fatally flawed
When I'm easily bored
Is that OK?
Write me off your list
Make this the last kiss
I walk away

Why don't we talk about it?
I'm only here don't shout it
Give 'em time, you'll forget
Let's pretend we never met


Screw you
I didn't like your taste anyway
I chose you
That's all go to waste it
It's Saturday
I'll go out and find another you

Why don't we?
Why don't we break up?
There's nothing left to say
I got my eyes shut
Praying they won't stray
Oh we're not sexed up
That's what makes the difference today
I hope you blow away (3x)

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