


Smile like you don't give a damn about the consequence

:))Keskiviikko 12.10.2011 05:27

Kannatko kenenkään kuvaa lompakossasi? Jos kannat, kenen?
- Eikka, Julle, Missu, Klaara, Susku

Mistä herkusta sinun on lähes mahdoton luopua?
- Ei kai mistään

Kuka tietää ihastuksestasi?
- Varmaan aika moni

Onko sinun helppo itkeä ystäviesi nähden?
- Jep

Mitkä kengät eteisessä ovat sinun?
- Reebokit

Kenen lausahduksille naurat usein?
- Jadenin! ja Jonin hahah

Kutsutko kavereitasi lempinimillä vai heidän oikeilla nimillään?
- Riippuu

Oletko tyytyväinen syntymäkuukauteesi? Jos et, milloin olisit halunnut syntyä?
- En, aikasemmin!

Milloin viimeksi kävit uimahallissa?
- Ei hajuakaan

Jos saisit kuulla ystäväsi kumppanin pettävän häntä, kertoisitko asiasta ystävällesi?
- Pistäisin sen kumppanin kertomaan

Eroavatko viikonloppuaamusi jotenkin arkiaamuista? Miten?
- Nukun pidempään

Mitä alkoholia joit viimeksi vai juotko alkoholia ollenkaan?
- Jaa-a, se oli joku Justinin sekotus

Milloin viimeksi kuulit seksivalistusta?
- Joku 3 viikkoa sit haha

Millainen kokeisiin valmistautuja olet?
- No täällä en valmistaudu niihin mitenkään, ja useimpiin kokeisiin en valmistaudu kyllä Suomessakaan

Ovatko tytöt mielestäsi parempia ystäviä kuin pojat? Miksi?
- Nah

Piditkö kouluruuasta tänään koulussa?
- Se oli jees! Haha ei meidän listalla kyllä montaa ruokaa oo, mistä en pitäis

Mitä piirrettäsi ulkonäössäsi muut kadehtivat?
- Hiuksia? En minä tiedä

Onko perheessäsi koskaan juhlittu naistenpäivää? Jos on, miten?
- No eipä oikeestaan

Pidätkö toisen ihmisen suutelemista pettämisenä, jos seurustelee?
- Joo

Inhoatko verikokeita?

Lähetätkö tekstiviestin/soitatko jollekin ihmiselle joka päivä? Kenelle?
- Yleensä joo

Tietävätkö vanhempasi seksuaalisen suuntautumisesi?
- Eiköhän se oo aika selvä

Kannatko huulirasvaa aina mukanasi?
- En

Mitä teet huomenna?
- Menen kouluun

Kuka nukkui viimeksi sängyssäsi?
- Minä

Mitä ruokaa syöt aamiaisella?
- En syö

Mitä musiikkia kuuntelet nyt?
- En kuuntele

Jos saisit rakennuttaa itsellesi kodin, minkälainen siitä tulisi ja minne?
- En jaksa miettiä

Onko sinulla suunnitelmia viikonlopuksi?
- Ei vielä. Perjantaina on futispeli kyllä

Mitä odotat tällä hetkellä?
- En tiedä

Pidätkö itseäsi onnellisena ihmisenä?
- Jep


Mennyt juuri tapaamiesi ihmisten auton kyytiin?
- Joo

Ollut nyrkkitappelussa?
- En

Lintsannut koulusta, että voit tehdä jotain kivempaa?
- Kyllä kyllä kyllä

Heitellyt esineitä tarkoituksena osuaksesi toiseen ihmiseen?
- Kyllä

- Haha voi kyllä

Nauranut niin, että kyyneleet valuu silmistäsi?
- Jeps

Oletko pituudeltasi välillä 155-188 cm?
- Just ja just

Mikä aiheuttaa sinulle stressiä?
- Pari ihmistä

Pelkäätkö ketään tuntemaasi ihmistä?
- En

Mikä tuntuu kivoimmalta paljaiden jalkojen alla; asfaltti, ruoho vai hiekka?
- Lämmin hiekka

Ketä löit viimeksi?
- Jadenia

Ketä halasit viimeksi? Milloin?
- Dylania ku olin lähdös koulusta

Kenelle tekstasit viimeksi?
- Cody

Kenen kanssa riitelit viimeksi?
- Ei hajuakaa

Oletko pahoittanut mieltäsi tänään?
- Kyllä vähän

Inhoatko ketään tällä hetkellä?
- Vähän

Oletko koskaan rakastunut ensisilmäyksellä?
- En

Kannatatko kuolemanrangaistusta?
- En

Löisitkö henkilöä, jonka takia viimeksi itkit?
- En paits leikillä

Keneltä haluaisit pyytää anteeksi nyt?
- En keneltäkään

Oletko datis/nörtti?
- Välillä oon vähän datis

Kenen kanssa puhuit viimeksi puhelimessa?
- Jonkun naisen kanssa Farmer's Unionista

Miksi olet koneella nyt?
- Koska ei oo muutakaan tekemistä

- Hieman

Missä vanhempasi ovat? Mitä he tekevät?
- Nukkumassa

Mitä joit viimeksi?
- Suklaamaitoa eli samaa ku Play-kaakao, kai

Kuka sinulle soitti viimeksi?
- Beth

Oletko nähnyt leffan Tyttö sinä olet tähti?
- Monesti

Ketä ajattelet nyt?
- En ketään

Onko sinulla ikävä ketään tällä hetkellä?
- On

Kaipaatko menneisyyttäsi?
- Välillä

Oletko liian kiltti ihmisille?
- Välillä

Oletko koskaan miettinyt miltä tuntuisi pestä hampaita pää alas päin?
- No en

Onko kukaan muu koskaan sanonut, että olet outo/hölmö?
- Haha voi kyllä

Tuntuuko sinusta koskaan, että elämäsi on aina samaa kaavaa?
- Kyllä

Tahtoisitko olla jossain muualla nyt?
- Olis ihan kiva

Onko sinulla jotain suuria suunnitelmia tulevaisuuden kannalle?
- Jos nyt sen lukion kävis loppuun ensiks
This is about to get crazy, are you ready?

Have you ever kissed the last person you texted?

Do you think you will kiss someone tomorrow?
I don't think so

Is the last person you kissed black?

Are you afraid others will judge you from reading some of your answers?
I don't care

Is there someone who you instantly smile when you talk to them?

If you could only drink one thing for a month, what would it be?

Is there someone that you miss right now?

Do you think that you're a good person?
I try to be

Did you wake up happy today?
I don't think anyone is actually happy when they wake up

Have you ever wanted to be a teacher?
Yes but not anymore

Do you believe in kissing when you're not together yet?

What did you do when you woke up?
Tried to sleep a little more

When was the last time you cried?

What are you listening to?

What's the last thing you spent money on?
Mt Dew

Do you take pills daily?

Where was your default picture taken?
In front of the church

Did you speak to your father today?

Does the last person who put their arm around you mean anything to you?

Who did you last ride in the car with?

What is in your pocket?

Would you rather hear a lie to make you happy or the truth that hurts?
Truth, thanks

Have you changed since a year ago?

I bet you miss somebody right now?

Do you like flowers?

Think back in February, how was your love life then?
Pretty good

Is it hard for you to get over someone?

Did any particular thing brighten up your day today?
Yes it did!

So, in a relationship?

Who'd you last talk to on the phone and for how long?
Beth for few minutes

Would you want to know the date of your death?

Do you think you will be in a relationship 3 years from now?
I have no clue

Hook- up or the whole relationship?
Idk. Hook-up now

Could you go a whole year without cursing?
Hell no

Are you happy with the way things are going?

Who was the last person who called you?

Do you get along more with girls or guys?
Both but maybe a little more with boys

The person you have feelings for shows up at your house right now, what do you do?
Let him in. Idk what he would do here though

Do you laugh a lot?
I do

Do you have an older brother?

At this very moment, what exactly are you doing?
Sitting on the couch and watching One tree hill

Have you ever made out against a car?
Haha yes

Do you still talk to the person you fell hardest/ fastest for?
Sometimes, not too much anymore

What do you hear right now?

Do you say sorry first?
If I'm wrong

Have you cut your own hair before?

The pool or the beach?

What did you do yesterday/lastnight?
I was watching volleyball games in Leeds!

She used to be the sweetest girlLauantai 24.09.2011 23:22

What if the guy you liked, liked you back?
He likes me back

When did you last drop your phone?

Who did you last pinky promise and what was it about?

Can money buy happiness?

Do you think women should work or stay at home?
If they want to work, then work. If not, then stay at home

How many people do you trust one hundred percent?

Do you ignore people when you're mad/upset with them?

Do you sleep with a fan on?

Do you think you can last in a relationship for 3 months?
I know I can

Do you think making out is slutty?
If you do it with every guy and not even like them. Then it is

How old do you think you will be when you finally have kids?

Would you change your eye color to blue?
They are already blue

Would you date a 13 year old at the age you are now?

Are you a heart breaker?

Is it ever too late to apologize?
It is sometimes

What was the last thing you looked up on Google?
News for current events

Is there snow on the ground where you are?

Do you like when people play with your hair?
I love it

What color is your hair?

What's the last thing you "aw'd" at?
Trevor's being silly today so to him

Who was the last person you said I love you to?

Did they say it back?
Yes haha

Whats the latest you've stayed up in the past week?
1 o'clock

Is your birthday in less than 6 months?

Is the person you last texted single?

When was the last time you felt like crying?

Who have you hungout with today?
No one

Do you have anything that belongs to a boyfriend ex boyfriend or crush?

Would you ever pick up gum from the ground and eat it?

When is the next time you will kiss someone on the lips?
Don't know

Have you ever had stitches?

Do you agree with gay marriage?
I don't really care

Be honest; are you dating the last person who texted you?

Would you like to fall in love in the next few months?
Guess so. Idk

Do you like your dentist?
No! He's always crumpy

What was the reason you last received flowers?
August 8

Have you ever donated blood?

What did you do for Valentine's day?
Hmm. I guess I just hung out at Lauri's?

Do you know what highschool your mother went to?

Do you know if any of your mom's siblings are married?
He's not

Do you eat breakfast daily?

List the people that live in your home from tallest to shortest.
Megan, Beth, Rick and me

Who was the last person to cook dinner?

What movie do you really want to see?
There's many of them!

What time will you be getting up tomorrow morning?
Depends. Probably around 10

Last movie you watched?
It's complicated

Does someone like you right now?
:) Yes

Are you looking forward to anything?

Is the last person you hugged older than you?

Are you content with your life right now?

Have you ever liked someone you didn't expect to?

What time did you wake up this morning?
Around 11

Dogs were barking

Have you ever cried from being so mad?

Do you hate when people smoke around you?

Finish this sentence: The last person I kissed is... the sweetest guy ever

What are you doing tonight?
I have no idea, maybe football

Have you ever kissed anyone within an hour of meeting them?

Would you date an 18 year old at the age you are now?

Do you currently have feelings for anybody?

Have your past mistakes made you wiser?

Is there anything you'd like to say to anyone?
Yeah :)

Are you excited for anything?
I am

Are you honestly ok?

Whats your favorite thing to do?
Hanging out with friends

Who's your best friend?

.....Torstai 22.09.2011 04:42

Do you want to be single?

Last two people to text you?
Trevor and Sierra

Have you pretended to like somebody to 'keep the peace'?

Think back five months ago, were you single?

Does anyone completely understand you?
Don't think so

How many piercings do you have besides ears?

Do you prefer to call or text?

Expecting something to change in the next month?

You're thinking about someone, aren't you?

Have you ever dated someone longer than a year?

Ever like someone older than you?

Do you want someone dead?

Can you remember the last time you really liked someone?

When did you last cry?
Umm. I do not remember

Do you think you are a good person?

Have you ever kissed the last person you last texted?

Have you held hands with anyone in the past 24 hours?

Is it okay to kiss people when you're single?

Do you believe everything happens for a reason?

Who was the last person you talked to last night in person before bed?

Which would be more meaningful to you: I love you a lot, I love you so much, or i love you more than anything?
I love you so much

Do you like when people play with your hair?

What was the last movie you saw in theaters?
Apollo 18

Has anyone put there arms around you in the past five days?

Are you in a good mood right now?
I guess so

Who was the last person to call you?

Do you have a best friend?

What's the date?
September 21st

Are you cold at this very moment?
I'm good

Are you married?

Have you ever been out of state?

Do you like cross word puzzles?

Have you ever kissed anyone of the opposite sex with the name Travis?

What color eyes do you prefer in the opposite sex?
Blue or brown but it doesn't really matter

Have you ever looked at the stars with someone?

Have you ever cried yourself to sleep?
Oh yes

Have you ever woke up crying from a bad dream?

Do you have a good relationship with your mother?

Does anyone hate you?
Probably but that's their problem

Do you usually tell people when you're mad at them?

Honestly, how is your heart lately?
It's been good

Have you ever been called a tease?
Haha yes

Are you waiting for a phone call?

Have you ever been with someone while they were throwing up?

What hurts right now?
My neck

Can you commit to one person?

Do you prefer people who talk a lot or are quiet?
I like talking when there's not much people around me

Last text message was from?

Do you know anyone who would just drop everything to come see you?

Were you single last summer?

Which one of your cousins is closest to you?
Well I only have one

Have you ever given up on anyone?

Would you ever get a tattoo?
I would

Do you crack your knuckles?

When was the last time you were told you were cute?

Are you sober?
Yes I am

Love really is a beautiful thing?

Would you rather have long or short hair?

When is the next time you'll hug someone?
Don't know

Do you trust all of your friends?

Do you think the last person you kissed cares for you?
I hope so

Have you ever kissed someone you weren't dating?

Is there someone who you instantly smile when you receive a message from?
Haha there is

How many tattoos would you get?
One or two

Dont tell me lies, so where's your boyfriend?
What boyfriend?

Plans for saturday?

How often do you cry?

Does anyone call you babe?

Have you ever dated anyone just for their looks?

Who was the last person that you physically hit?

Will this weekend be a good one?
I hope so!

Are any of your friends virgins?

Are you emotionally sensitive?

Could things possibly get any better?
They could but it's all pretty good now, too

Did the one person who hurt you the most in your life apologize?
He did

Is anything bothering you?
A little

Can you fit into your best friends shoes?
They're way too big for me!

Who is the last person you ate with?
Kristen, Megan, Morgan, Kayla and Chelsey

Is there anyone you know that deserves to get slapped?

Are you good at hiding your feelings?
Not really

When was the last time you completely broke down?

Do you think somebody likes the same person you do?
Don't know

Have you ever wished you could've had someone but you messed that up?
Yes but that was a long time ago

Did you answer with the truth to these questions?

No it's not a secretSunnuntai 18.09.2011 12:45

Have you ever screamed in the shower?
Lol yes. But it was all because of the spider....

When you're on the computer do you use your ipod or itunes/limewire?

When was the last time, if ever, you spoke back to a teacher?
Idk. This week?

Could you be classified as shy?
Idk. I'm a little shy when I first meet people but I get pretty soon comfortable and I'm not shy anymore

Have you ever fought with a friend because of their boyfriend/girlfriend?

What was the last test you got back, and what did you get on it?
Can't remember

Are you out for summer yet? If not, when do you get out?
Summer's gone

Has a stranger ever yelled at you for your language?
Haha yup

What do you wear when you're going to sleep?
Depends. Usually a huge t-shirt and shorts

Say something to the person you like right now:
It was just Megan, Haylie and Kenadi who were up so don't worry

Whose house were you last at?
Mitch's, Mason's and Justin's aka brothel

If you go out for lunch during school, where do you go?
I do not. In Finland usually Ismet, McDonal's, Hesburger or Chinese

Are you going anywhere exciting anytime soon?
Don't think so

When your on the computer/texting, do you spell things correctly or use shortforms?

If you could join your favourite band, what instrument would you play?
Nothing coz I can't

Are you going to any upcoming concerts?

Do you have any homework you should be doing right now?
English but I'll do that on study hall on Monday

Who was the last person to wear your clothes/shoes other than you?

Whose clothes other than your own did you last where? Why?
Trevor's. There was a game today and I wore his jersey there and afterwards coz it was pretty damn cold and the jersey is soooo warm

Have you ever made a "100 Things To Do This Summer" list?

Did you do everything on the list?

What class do you have the most tests in?
US History or English

Have you ever been on the honour roll?
In what?

How much money do you have on you right now?
Haha on me? Idk

Would you consider getting a summer job this summer?
Maybe but I think we need to survive through fall, winter and spring first

When you were little, did you ever have a lemonade stand?

Did you ever watch the show "Full House"?

What was the last thing that scared you?

When were you last in a car and who were you in it with?
Like an hour ago with Trevor

What radio stations do you flip between in the car?
Here I don't really listen radio but in Finland between Voice, Nova and NRJ

Do you write your usernames and passwords somewhere in case you forget?

Do you listen to happy or sad songs when you are down?

Are you currently single?
Well kinda

What color is your room?
White and green

What are you wearing?
NDSU sweatshirt, a tank top and shorts

Have you been outside today?

Are you thirsty?

Do you ever threaten to beat people up?
Yeah. It didn't work though

Do other people's opinions influence your actions?
Well kinda

Do you discover new bands daily?
Not daily

What are you listening to now?
Avril Lavigne haha

Do you make playlists a lot?
No. I have 3

Do you think you've changed in the past year?
Not that much

If so, good changes or bad changes?

Without music, could you live?
I guess so. It would be hard though

Without your phone?


Would you kiss the last person who texted you?

What is your biggest fear about making a total commitment to someone?
Fear of losing and them breaking my heart

Do you dye your hair?

How was your day overall?

Does anyone call you babe?

What woke you up this morning?
I was freezing

Day been rough?
No. It has been good though I've been tired as hell

When was the last time you were unhappy with your life?

What are you planning on doing after this?
Go to sleep

What do you want more than anything right now?

What color shirt are you wearing?

What's on your wrist?
A pony
Let me guess, your last text was from the opposite sex?
Good guess

Does the person you have feelings for start with any of these letters, B, C, D, G, M, P, R?

Are you angry with someone right now?

Are you easy to get along with?
Idk. I guess?

Have you accidentally sent a text to the wrong person?
Oh yeah

Do you remember what you wore last night?
Umm yeah

Does it bother you when you text somebody and they take forever to respond?

Do you think anyone has feelings for you?

Are you feeling guilty about anything right now?

Who was the last person you rode in a car with, other than family?

Are you scared of snakes?

Do you think someone is thinking about you right now?

Why aren't you with the person you like?

How did you wake up this morning?
Tired as hell

Would you ever camp out on a beach, under the stars?
I guess I could do that

Honestly, are things going the way you planned?
I haven't really planned

Would your parents get mad if you got drunk while they were present?
Which ones? Beth would but mom wouldn't

Ever walked on a rooftop?

How many bracelets do you have on your wrists right now?

Own a bottle of perfume?

Whats for dinner tonight?

Ever found a condom on the ground?
Haha yup

What are you listening to?
I'll Attack

Is there a girl that knows everything or almost everything about you?
I think so

Are you happier now? Or were you happier four months ago?
Prob now

Have you cried this past week?

Have you told anybody you liked them today and meant it?

What was the last thing you and your mom talked about?
Can't remember

Are you nice to people you dislike?

Don't tell me lies, have you been under the influence in the past 24 hours?

Do you think things will change in the next few months?

Where's your best friend right now?
I have no idea

How many people can you trust with just about everything?

Ever had a guy best friend?
As a kid

So, what's happening tomorrow?
The game, Walmart and prob some hanging out after that

How's your life lately?

Have any recent regrets?

Has anyone disappointed/upset you recently?
Oh yes

I-I-I wanna go-o-oPerjantai 16.09.2011 09:34

Do you believe everything happens for a reason?

Did you do something mean to someone today?
Haha yes. But he deserved it

What did your last text say?
"Haha :) your sweet"

You find out your ex is having a kid with someone you don't like, you say?
Man, that was fast

What does your hair look like now?
Haha a little messy

Who all did you text today?
Morgan, Rick and Trev

Will you be single over winter?
Don't know

Has someone ever made a promise to you and broke it?
Many times

How often do you say sorry?
Idk. Recently I've said that too many times

This time last year, do you remember who you liked?

Have you ever kissed anyone who's name started with a J?

Where is the person you last kissed at this moment?

What do the majority of people in your life call you?
Eve (or Eva or Ava)

What's your favorite number?

Was your last text message from a girl or boy?

Think of the last person you said I love you to, did you mean it?
Yes I did

Would it be hard seeing someone else kiss the last person you kissed?
It would

Where is the person you gave your heart to for the first time?
Home. Sleeping I think

It's 4 in the morning, your phone rings, who is it?
I have no idea

Last person you talked to for more than an hour?

When was the last time you were out of state for more than a day and why?
Like a month ago in Minnesota

Did you sleep alone Friday night?

When will be the next time you kiss someone on the lips?

Anything good happening tomorrow?

What's wrong with you right now?
I'm sleepy

If you could move somewhere else, where would it be?
Somewhere warm

Does anyone call you babe?

When was the last time you wanted to punch someone in their face?

Were you happy when you woke up today?
No, I'm never happy when I wake up

Have you ever felt like you literally needed someone?

Relationships or one night stands?

Do you know someone who is CONSTANTLY texting?

What do you currently hear right now?
Survivor in TV

Is there a person of the opposite sex who means a lot to you?

Have you ever cried from being so mad?
Oh yes

If something was wrong, who is the first male you would go to?
Trevor. He's like the only person I'd even go to

Did you ever want to be a doctor?

Are you happy with the choices you've made?

Who was the last person you high-fiver?

What was the best part about yesterday?
Nothing special really happened

Have you done anything sneaky lately?

Are you dressing up for Halloween this year?

Would you rather sleep at a friend's or have them over?
At friend's house

Do you remember who you liked three months ago?

Have you heard a song that reminds you of someone today?

What exactly are you wearing now?
Sweatpants and a shirt

Do you think your life will change dramatically before 2012?

How was last night?

If you could change your eye color would you?

Is there anyone that you would do absolutely everything for?

Are you dating the last person you talked to?

Who was the last person you talked to in person?

What are you sitting on right now?
A chair

Can you have more than one best friend?
I think so. But I only have one and she's the best

Does the last person you shared a bed with mean anything to you?
Yeah he does

How many pairs of Converse do you own?

What do you want to get accomplished today/tonight?
Current events.............

What is the last non-alcoholic beverage you had?
Ice Tea

Will you have a boyfriend/girlfriend in 6 months?

Was the first person you talked to today male or female?

Are you a cuddler?

Do you think someone is thinking about you right now?

Do you have any sisters?
Haha. Megan's the best

Where did you get the shirt you are wearing?
Gina Tricot

Do you have a bestfriend?

Who is your favorite That 70s Show character?
Haha idk

Have you ever slept in a tent, indoors or out?

What is your favorite kind of Girlscout cookie?
I've never had one

Honestly, what is the one thing you need more than ANYTHING right now?

What were you doing at 2am?

Would you ever quit a bad habit for someone?

Have you ever fell asleep in someones arms?

Given your heart to someone who walked away?

What are you thinking about?
Nothing really

Do you know anyone who would just drop everything to come see you?
I do

Honestly, do you have a deep dark secret?

Have you ever liked someone who treated you super shitty?

If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go?
Dallas, Oregon!

What time did you wake up today?

What did you do Friday?
Haha drove around with Kayla, Shay, Megan Wald, Morgan, Darren and Trevor

Where is the biggest scar on your body?

Would you rather love one person or have many short relationships?

Why aren't you dating the last person you texted?
Good question

Who was the last person to wear your clothes other than you?
Hmm, Missu?

Has someone of the opposite sex ever told you they loved you?

When is the next time you'll see your best friend?

Have you ever been asked out by someone you didn't want to be with?

Is there anyone you want to come see you?
There is

What were you doing at 4am this morning?

Do you miss anyone?

Is someone on your mind right?

Anyone you would like to get things straight with?

Pretty girlsTorstai 15.09.2011 08:16

Who did you talk to last night before going to bed?

Last time you cuddled with the opposite sex?
On Saturday

On Sunday

How are you feeling?

Who ALWAYS makes you laugh?
Hmm. Jenae haha

What did you do on the weekend?
I hung out with Trevor mostly on Satuday and on Sunday I had some AFS thingy which was boring

Who last texted you?

Did you have a good dream last night?
I didn't dream

Are you currently trying to get over someone?

Have you ever dated someone with longer hair than yours?

Have you ever bought clothing online?

The last time you went to the emergency room, was it for yourself?
Umm, I don't think so

As a child, did you ever have a clown or a magician at your birthday parties?

Do you celebrate Christmas, Kwanzaa, Hannukah, or something else?

Which room in your house tends to be the coldest in the winter time?
Well I don't know about this house but I think in Finland our basement is pretty freezing

Do you wear Roxy, Billabong, or Volcom?

Do you own a leather jacket?
Yes but I don't have it with

Have you ever been to an NFL football game?

How was the weather when you woke up today?

When was the last time you hit a pinata at a party?
Don't know

Are you a flirt?
Haha I guess I am

Who were you with the last time you went out for food?
Trevor, Mason and Morgan

What was the last thing you bought online?
Umm. An ifolor book

Did you get a hair cut within the past month?

If you use a three-ring binder for school, how many inches is it?
I don't

If you wear glasses, are your frames a different color other than black?
I don't

Have you ever taken part in a parade?
Haha homecoming parade

What did you do on New Year's?
Was drunk and trying to take care of my house after people had puked all over the house!

Who are the majority of your text messages in your inbox from?
Only Trev

Are you allowed to eat in your room?

Who starred in the last movie you watched?
Taylor Lautner, Hilary Duff, Steve Martin...

How many texts do you send a day, on average?

Can you do the splits?
I do

How many kids do you want in the future?

What was the last thing you ate?

Would you rather drive a Porsche or a Lamborghini?

Who did you gt this note from?

What is your favorite non-alcoholic drink?
Chocolate milk! I love it

Spell your name using bands/artists:
Enrique Iglesias
Vanessa Carlton
Escape the Faith
Imogen Heap

What kind of car do you have?
I don't

What are your school colors?
Blue and gold

Can you walk in heels?

What is the longest song on your playlist?
Konstantine 9:36

If you could have a $1,000 shopping spree to any clothing store, which would you choose?
Carlings or H&M or Gina Tricot

What were you last complimented on?
Cody said that I'm beautiful haha

Do you know a Michael?
Haha yes I do

What about a Shane?

Do you own handcuffs?

Who's car were you in last?

What is your favorite breakfast food?
I don't really eat breakfast. But I really like sandwiches when I do have time to do a good one

Do you know anybody with a septum piercing?

Would you rather pierce your lip or tongue?

Do you like ketchup on top of your fries or separate?

What is your favorite thing to spread on toast?

Have you ever been in a wedding?

What did you last staple?
Haha paper

Who was the last person who unexpectedly texted you?

What's one text that you saved?
Something very cute which I don't want everybody to know

Name a boy who's wrapped around your finger:
No one

When's the next time you'll be drinking?
I don't know. Hopefully on my birthday as last!

Who's the last person you hugged?

It all happens in a blinkTorstai 15.09.2011 05:39

Do you laugh a lot?
What did you do today?
In the past week, have you cried?
Are you mad at someone right now?
How often do you hold back from saying what you are thinking?
Do you have an older brother?
Think anyone is missing you right now?
I don't actually. If someone is, she/he's probably sleeping right now
Will tomorrow be a good day?
What's on your bed?
Some clothes and a charger
Did you kiss anyone today?
Is there one person in your life that can always make you happy?
:) There is
Do you have a friend you can tell stuff to and you're sure they won't tell?
Can you sleep without blankets covering you?
No. I don't feel that I'm safe if I don't have a blanket haha
Is there someone you don't ever want to be out of your life?
Yup. Many of them
Know how to cook?
Not really
Have you ever burned yourself?
:D Oh yess
Where is your brother right now?
Probably sleeping. At least I hope so
Do you believe that things last forever?
What are you listening to?
Blink by Revive
What was the most interesting thing that happened today?
Haha, nothing? Trevor and Morgan tried Turkey's Peppers
Is anyone falling for you?
I hope so
Do you currently have a hickey?
Has anyone upset you in the last week?
Yup. Thank you for that
Are you sarcastic?
What time did you go to sleep last night? Why?
Ever wore the opposite sex's underwear?
Haha no
How did you feel when you woke up today?
Stretch your left arm out as far as you can, What can you touch?
My phone
Before you started this survey, what were you doing?
Nothing, just watched some tv
Without looking, guess what time it is?
Now look at the clock. What is the actual time?
When did you last step outside? What were you doing?
Came home
Are you listening to music right now?
If you could change something about your home, without worry about expense or mess, what would it be?
My room. I mean in Finland haha
Would you go bungee jumping or sky diving?
Do you really know all the words to your national anthem?
Hell no
Is there anything you wish you could tell someone but can't?
Do you think you can completely trust anyone?
I can
You have to live iN your hometown for the rest of your life. Reaction?
Which one?
Do you think you make the best choices most of the time?
Haha sometimes
Do you really say everything you want to all of the time?
Do you think you need to have friends?
I have friends :)
Have you ever gone out in public in pajamas?
Haha yup
Can you say, "She sells seashells by the sea shore" fast without messing up?
Haha yea
Is your hair naturally straight, wavy, or curly? Do you like it?
Do you have any plans tomorrow?
Has anybody ever told you that you talk too fast?
Haha yes
Have you ever licked the back of a CD to try to get it to work?
Are you missing anyone?
I am
Would you rather be trapped in an elevator, or stuck in traffic?
Stuck in traffic
Want something badly?
What time is it?

Who was the last person you kissed on the lips?

What's your real name?

Have you ever been cheated on?
I don't think so, I hope not

Do you wish at 11:11?

Do you like your life?
It's good

Do you hate anyone?
Well I don't really like them either

Does anyone hate you?
Haha probably

Did you kiss someone at midnight on new years eve?
I did

Ever been in love?

Would it hurt you to see the person you last kissed, kissing someone else?
It would

How many times have you cried this week?

Do you cry yourself to sleep at night?

Who are you texting right now?

Are you listening to any music? If so, what song?
Stereo Hearts

Do you regret kissing the last person you kissed?

What would you say if you found out your last ex was in a relationship?
I don't know. Probably I'd be happy for him

Have you ever had really strong feelings for someone?
Oh yes

If you HAD to get a piercing right now, what would it be?
Belly button

Has anybody ever told you that you have pretty eyes?

Do you care about the last person you kissed?
I do

Are you wearing any makeup?

Which is harder, telling someone you love/like them or that you don't?
Idk. Depends

If someone said, "I don't talk shit about people," would you believe them?
Haha no

When someone says "we need to talk" what runs through your mind?
Something bad

Kids one day?

Do you think people think bad things about you?
Might be

Are you a patient person?

What is your current mood?

Were you happy when you woke up today?
I was

What does your last text say?
"Yeah I suppose."

Have you ever been caught doing something you weren't supposed to?
Oh yes

Name something you dislike about the day you're having?
School bus

Are you dating the last person you last talked to?

Who was the last person to drive you somewhere?

Do you want someone you cant have?

When was the last time you cried?

Are you texting the last guy you cuddled with?
Not right now

When was the last time you totally broke down?
A month ago

Has a friendship ended recently that you wish had not?

Recently kissed anyone with the name starting with a L?
Well about a month ago. Recent enough?

Would you ever pick up gum from the ground and eat it?

What are you currently listening to?

Are you angry with someone right now?

Do you bite your toe nails?

How many cigarettes have you smoked today?

Do you like potato chips?

Do you give out second chances way too easily?
I guess so

What woke you up this morning?
An alarm clock

Do you think relationships are ever really worth it?
I do

Do you know what the last person you kissed is doing right now?
Probably sleeping

Did you kiss or make out with anyone today?

What's the greatest thing that happened to you today?
Don't know. It was pretty basic day

How old do you think you will be when you finally have kids?

Are you waiting for something?

If you could change your eye color would you?

What was the weather like today?