
IÂ’m the motherfucking wrench
Thrown in the gears
Everything was great til I got here
IÂ’m a bad guy inside and out
Put your faith in me and IÂ’ll spit it out
And I admit, IÂ’m a basketcase
With lipstick smeared across my face
Cocked and loaded canÂ’t shut me up
Blame it on the music to cover it up

Hey stupid, donÂ’t suck your thumb
Take your diaper off and put your helmet on
Destory til there is no more
Put your helmet on letÂ’s go to war
LetÂ’s go, letÂ’s go, letÂ’s go, letÂ’s go

Some things are better left unsaid
But IÂ’d like to see a bullet in your head charge the damage to my card
And IÂ’ll see you on the Graveyard Blvd.
Have a boot to the face, itÂ’s on me
Hard to talk shit with no fucking teeth
Spit ‘em out, spit ‘em out al in a row
So pucker up sucker hereÂ’s one for the road


Shut your face and open your eyes
You whole fucking life was a lie
And everything that you stood for
Just had its ass kicked out the door
Well I am rubber and you are glue
IÂ’ll beat the mother fucking shit outta you
YouÂ’re pro-life and IÂ’m pro-death
And IÂ’ll throw you from the tree and break your fucking neck


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