


can haz a T'hy'la? ♥

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...Though, Haley My transparent body, well I can't hold that child tightly
So it's a night when the stars are pretty like this, already it hurts to be a little bit close

My name is Holy, my neighbor is Haley, and I'm alone again. She is like a Lily.
Three AM, always meeting in the room, and tonight I forgot the time, let's play
But we dislike morning, we enter forever together
And eventually that child and today are alone in a graveyard

Though, Haley, we cooled down, with both hands, well, I can't wipe away that child's tears
So let's secretly speak our minds, before this night dawns...

LM.C'n Hounted house makes a secret on jotenki nii jumittava ja öö, siin on joku semmone kiva jutsu 8)

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