


can haz a T'hy'la? ♥

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Titiititiiiiididii tiitititiiitiii <3Maanantai 21.08.2006 21:00

"Let's fly in the most beautiful sky!" <3

Who wants to fly whit me? *ojentaa kättään ja hymyilee*

Let's fly in the most beautiful of sky
This is certainly a try for the future!

Your prayer shines within your eyes, it overflows your smile
We trust our wings to the current, there's no going back now

The miracle of us meeting by chance is our pleasure line
We promised that, didn't we?

Let's fly in the most beautiful sky
We'll try no matter how many times we fall!

Seizing tomorrow while we get hurt
I will never forget you telling me so kindly and strongly...(1)

The light dissolves the rain soaking my heart, drop by drop
I'm protecting this little love with wings trembling in pain

Do not forget that this world is our pleasure line
I'll never be afraid
Let's fly together in the endless sky!


Fly without letting go of my hand!
Wandering while seeking out our dream

I'll embrace you passionately on the hill while we wait for the morning glow
As I remember, the wind blows against my cheeks
At the signpost before us

Let's go fly together in the endless sky
Fly without letting go of my hand!
Wandering while seeking out our dreams
With you on the hill as we wait for the morning glow...

Let's go fly in the most beautiful sky
This is certainly a try for the future!
It's okay to get hurt if we seize it
You tell me kindly and strongly and we fly away in the morning glow

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