


I am the wind blowing through your hair.
- Days turned into weeks, weeks turned into months. And then, one not-so-very special day, I went to my typewriter, I sat down, and I wrote our story. A story about a time, a story about a place, a story about the people. But above all things, a story about love. A love that will live forever.

- I had come to write about truth, beauty, freedom, and that which I believed in above all things: love. There was only one problem. I'd never been in love!

- The greatest thing you'll ever learn is just to love and be loved in return.

- Hurt him. Hurt him to save him.

- We're creatures of the underworld. We can't afford to love.

- The show must go on.

- Come what may, I will love you until my dying day.

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