
en ainakaan nauranu : DDDDDPerjantai 03.04.2009 02:58

what could possibly go wrong XDDDD
nothing makes sense anymore XXDDDDD
pam is very attractive. no question XXXDDDDD
hey this is conan :
DDDDDD look! there is no time for chitchat
allright Jack Bauer
possibly albino :333333 :D
age... 92... or 12. you are a woman right :DDDD
-omg whats happened to me???
-dude get out of my room! hey! that´s my closet XD
-leave me alone
-dad! conan o´brien wont come out of my closet!
-mr o´brien. you need to come out of the closet
-haarh! there´s someone else in there!

"welcome to another audition of to catch a predator"
-i´m looking for the emmy´s, i´m hosting
-hosting? that´s what you called
-yeah... it´s my... my second time
-so you´ve done this before
-yeah. yeah i did it one time and i liked it and i thought i should do it again...
"among all the predatord i´ve met thi guy, screen-name conebone69 was far the creepiest"
-this is kind of... you think it´s.... very easy to explain
-explain of that
-okay. *runs away*

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