
Uusimmat blogimerkinnät

Sunnuntai 04.04.2010 18:52

Pain, I'm not scared of it
I can endure it, I know that
But when I look at you
I am a silent girl
I want to wrap you
in my blanket
So you don't get cold
ever again

The tears in the corner of the wind shield
Changes to ice, just by themselves
Fields and the shoulders of a road fly by
and the villages, where people wake up soon

The sorrow goes, doesn't ask for permission
Sits on the table

Can we look
at each others eyes

You are, a little boy

Who is waiting scared
You're leaving me a long long
long yearning


Clocks, do us some time now
Hear our small croons
I love you more today
than ever before, I see that now

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