


Michaela Wissing

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2 weeksPerjantai 25.01.2008 18:47

So I just remembered my birthday's in 2 weeks. Awsome. Woho and well that means that My darling Anna is gonna ne here in *counting* 10 days. Or 9? I don't know. SOON! WOHO... I have a lot of energy today. Oh shit. Well I'm gonna go take a shower just so you all know! HAHAHAH
Kissey kiss

BabiesLauantai 19.01.2008 21:09

Oh my god. I'm beat! Been taking care of Bea for like 8 hours and I'm just so tired I can't even make myself go to the bus to get home. This sucks so bad. And of course my parents and borther have like 20 people over and well I look like shit. Damn.
Well should go to the bus now! Kisses cherrypies :P

33 daysSunnuntai 06.01.2008 20:56

Hmm I should be totaly happy. I mean in 33 days I'm free to do whatever I want to. So what is making me sad? The feeling of: NOTHING THE FUCK IS GONNA CHANGE! I mean I turn 18, get considered a grown-up and well, whatever? No one is gonna care. Not even me probably.

These stupid days make me look forward for you to come even more... What would I do without you as sunshine?

PAINSunnuntai 30.12.2007 20:35

Please give me anything to kill it. Just for a moment at least!

Tangled up in a nice life
Should I really put that spider in me?

Home...Perjantai 21.12.2007 01:16

Finally. I'm done. At least for this year. No more school, no more fucking up my life mayorly. Hahaha I'm so fucking happy. Feels like a big weight of my chest and well, I haven't felt better in about, Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, well since I was to Finland!
Went to town with J. and well we had a good time so I actually did something else that just sit at home staring into the freaking wall. It's so nice. I mean just a little message makes me feel so ehm loved and it's just wierd. I guess I've just been treated like shit most of my life that when people do something even remotely nice I just flip out with happyness. I'm HAPPY!!!!
And well on monday it's xmas and I get all my gifts and stuff. Woho... I'm totaly psyched.
Need to go to sleep now cause the cleaner lady is coming tomorrow at 8 and I need to have clothes on... Kisses to all the people that want one! *smack*

WohoKeskiviikko 19.12.2007 15:17

Tomorrow is the last day in school! Awosme. I'm all like jumping up and down from the joy of not having to sit around here! WOHO WOHO.... Not!
Haha I'm so tired right now. Haven't slept properly for about... Hmmmmm... I would guess 3 YEARS! Damn... I need to get like sleeping pills or something. I can't fucking sleep at home. Ever...
Oh, yeah. Sometimes I can sleep but that's when I 1. Have someone next to me or 2. when I'm not at home... Especially in Finland. It's really annoying. It's not so wierd as it seems though. It's cold in our house and well my darling parents and younger brother allways make noise. They always start screaming or somethign just when I wanna sleep. It's lik some kinda rule. Well fortunately it's only like 7 months left till my move. Do you all get that?!?!?!? I'm moving away from home in fucking 7 months. That's NOTHING! Shit I need to go get a job now! Fuck....
C U all soon

LuciaTorstai 13.12.2007 21:43

Hmmm so I was in the fucking lucia thingy today. It sucked. I havn't worn only white since my confirmation thing. It was so uncomfortable that I had my pants and converse on under it! Haha. I hope my teachers noticed.
Well I'm still pretty sick so it really sounded horrible, but hey! I mean you can't be perfect right?!?!?!
We also got to watch the other show...
It was better than the first, definately. But still... They suck. I mean seriously. There are SOME rules in music that you DON'T fucking break. One of them is: You do NOT, ever in your life, play the song "Bohemian Rhapsody" by Queen if you are like serious. It can be played like with friends and just playing around, but NEVER EVER should that song be played on stage for people that doesn't know you. I mean seriously. And DEFINATELY not if you are trying to sound like the original. I mean Freddy Mercury. He was the fucking greatest singer that ever walked this earth. Do not try to copy! Well the little first graders played it. It sucked. I was angry. Norma (hugest Queen fan ever) actually started crying cause she was so mad!
Oh and also they played "rock'n'roll" by led zeppelin. Same thing here (not as much as with the queen song but still!). The bad thing is that my class had that song in our show last year so I mean it was like they stole from us (but they didn't go to our school at that time so they didn't know it really). Also they played the soundtrack from Friends you know "I'll be there for you..." and well we played that song lasst year. Copy cats! Damn....
Well we don't suck as much as them so I'm happy!
The people that played instuments were actually okay but the singers. Catastrofic...

School....Keskiviikko 12.12.2007 22:05

Oh my God. I'm so sick right now. I've never had a flu like this one. Or ehm. Maybe I have. I don't know... Anyways I'm like so tired and cold because of this. It's crazy. I've been like basically shaking all day. And it's not even that cold outside.
Well anyway that wasn't what I was gonna write about...
I was in school today (first day this week) and well the first graders where having their annual "christmas show". Now you all have to understand that the "christmas show" has nothing what so ever to do with christmas. I mean it's just a random show that's like at christmas. Very random but that's the name of it. Well the whole red thread thing in this show is that all the music studants get to work together. The bands are put together with rapers, soul-types AND rockers (imagine all the fights that we had when we did it) and well then the music producer types get to make like videos and stuff for the rest of us. It was a lot of fun but MAN it was like so annoying to have to be with all the fucking idiot-soul-drama-queens. Well anyways, enough of that. The first graders this year had the first of the two shows (there are so many people in the classes that well we had to devide it up to two shows!) today. It sucked.
It was so fucking bad that I was like falling asleep in the middle of it. Haha The singers could NOT hit the right notes and well it was just bad. Most of the rappers where like totaly awful. You know it was like "I would rap better than you, bitch"... Well anyways it was nice to watch. It was ehm funny!?!?!?! Hahaha

I was just thinking about myself. Was I really THAT bad on my first show in the school? I mean the only people that actually rocked where like the drummers. Was it the same thing with us? Well I guess I'll never know!

SaturdayLauantai 08.12.2007 23:03

Oh I really can get that through my mind... Been thinking I'm going to school tomorrow and then like understanding that it's saturday and getting really happy. WOHO

Noh what have I been up to lately?
I don't fucking know. Watched "the quiet" today. Awsome, beautiful movie. It's like so awful but amazing at the same time. I could relate to parts of it at the same time as it was so different. Totaly amazing, that's all I can say about it right now!
I also watched Transformers (Matcho right?!?!?!) with Peter yesterday. Cutie... Havn't seen him for a while, damn he still has my clothes. I want themback! And I watched "My neighbour Totoro" with Malte. Awsome. Hahaha Anime thingy.... WIIIIIII
So I'm gonna go now...
Kisses on you all

PS. Isn't it wierd that everytime I write something at school I'm REALLY pissed of but when I'm home or at a friends house I'm like normal. At least a little bit more normal! HAHAHAHa

Friday...Perjantai 07.12.2007 15:53


I'm soooooo tired right now. Been in school since like 10 today... (that's not that long actually...)
HAha noh
Well I'm reading all this SHIT about satanism. It's crazy. I mean not in a bad way. It's like pretty okay you know! Totaly awsome that something so commersially wrong actually is so right... What if I'd become a satanist?!?!?! HAhah That would be so random! HAHAHAHAHA
God... I'm really too random right now so I'll just go!

WOHO 33 minutes till the lesson starts! Why the hell am I here at all???