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What is Hahalolo travel social network?Maanantai 24.05.2021 11:33

To answer the question What is Hahalolo MXH? First of all, let's learn about this social network Hahalolo. Hahalolo is a travel social network, where people with the same passion to "travel" gather together. Like many other social networking sites, Hahalolo first creates an environment of connection and interaction. Users can text, call, comment, drop interactive haha in each other's posts. From there, build good relationships, maybe even create community sites to connect people with similar interests.

On June 20, 2020 Hahalolo social network officially launched with 5 main menus: Newsfeed, Experience, Hotel, Tour and Shopping. At the beginning of October to November 2020 Hahalolo continues to introduce 2 more functions of Airfare and Affiliate Marketing on this social networking platform and now Hahalolo includes 7 function menus. After only a few months of launching Hahalolo has reached 6 million users, a number worthy of recognition. Currently, Hahalolo is still constantly improving, developing and upgrading the social networking platform that combines online travel (OTA) and e-commerce day by day.
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